- Oooooooooo... Ashelynn -- Sick in the New Millenium, 15:50:28 01/02/00 Sun (usr16-dialup332.mix1.irving.cw.net/
In the words of the Crocodile Hunter, "Isn't she Gorgeous?" Absolutely fantastic. Just look at that hair and sultry attitude that radiates through the pictures and movies. Keep up the good work.
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- Your biggest fan!!!!! -- Boo, 16:46:18 01/03/00 Mon (dsp-489-omaha.radiks.net/
Hi Ashelynn!
I have watched every single clip at least 3 or 4 times. You are so perfect!!! My favs are Brasmoke (of course) and the new Saratoga clip. I just love that little smile you give.
Thank you so much.
Is there any way you would consider doing a topless shoot???
I know it would be well worth waiting for!!!!
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- sexiest woman alive -- fred sanger, 22:23:02 01/03/00 Mon (spider-te053.proxy.aol.com/
i love you....i love you...i love you..........can i bring you home to meet mom??????????
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- Wow!!!! -- troys, 09:57:58 01/04/00 Tue (cr907972-a.nmkt1.on.wave.home.com/
You left me hard as a rock when I checked out the AVI's. I just love the way you hold that long VS120. But the best for me is seeing the lipstick stain on the filter. I'll be thinking of you......
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- Smoky Spice -- Julian, 08:47:11 01/05/00 Wed (NoHost/
you remind me of a sexier version of Baby Spice, hence I'm naming you Smoky Spice.
Keep those smoky shots coming.
I would like to see heavier make up, more lingerie and maybe multi-dangles.......I don't ask for much eh??
Lots of Love
Jules (from England)
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- Pumping -- Brian, 20:11:11 01/05/00 Wed (2cust102.tnt1.albany2.ny.da.uu.net/
What a Fox. I Love your AVI 6 pumps. What a sexy girl with all that smoke. Please more multiple pumps with the Saratoga 120's . Menthol of course. How much do you smoke? I smoke 2 ppd Newport 100's and I bet you blow me away. Keep the AVI's comming. I Love them..
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- Up for a challenge? -- Awestruck with amazement, 19:56:55 01/03/00 Mon (ch1smc.bellglobal.com/
I just loved your Sweet Dreams AVI's gal! Particularly the Drift one... (WOW!). Here's the challenge. Do you think you can do that with a cigar?
Love the site, and the AVI's, maybe a little more makeup...
Your call, of course =)
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- Your Latest Work -- Brian, 20:37:09 01/07/00 Fri (2cust94.tnt2.albany2.ny.da.uu.net/
Besides being addicted to cigaretts, I'm addicted to your awesome smoking clips!! You're the most sensual, sexy and attractive smokers I've seen. Of your latest work, I really enjoyed the More clip. Lots of dangling multiple pumps.Awesome!! On your next clips ,please include a Newport 100 with multiple pumps and maybe a "out of the shower smoke clip with close ups".Keep up the great work, Im watching!!!!!
Q-Are you a first thing in the morning and last thing to bed smoker???
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- Wonderful! -- Djarumking, 02:34:55 01/08/00 Sat (as1-37.dial-ip.empirenet.net/
It's wonderful that someone actually takes pride in their smoking. In a world that makes it appear so sinful, you show it can be a wondeful and glamourous thing. Honestly you don't "look" like a smoker, but that just shows we are everywhere and look like everyone. Patrick is such a lucky man!
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- Ashelynn Foxy Lady -- Rod, 15:15:52 01/08/00 Sat (host62-6-23-88.btinternet.com/
From the Jimi Hendrix song Foxy Lady
Foxy, Foxy,
You know you're a cute little heartbreaker.....
You are the the most drop dead gorgeous smoker I've ever seen. I could watch your AVIs for hours.
Love and smoke,
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- UK Fan -- Neil, 15:35:33 01/12/00 Wed (host212-140-116-174.host.btclick.com/
Just viewed your AVI's.........
Only one word springs to mind. WOW! Especially like the cigar shots, they do it for me everytime.
Shame you're on the wrong side of The Pond. Still if you're ever over this way................
Love, smoke & cheeky cockney kisses
Neil - No.1 UK Fan
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- As I Always Tell Ya -- Marcos, 19:46:14 01/12/00 Wed (fw-b228.puc.edu/
Hey Ashe,wuzup?Well,your AVI's just keep getting better and
better.Thanks for being such a wonderful smoker,I guess you
can turn the whole world on with your smoking.
Don't forget to keep doing the close ups and showing this
cute tongue you have.
Your fan,
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- Video? -- Evan, 23:09:35 01/13/00 Thu (sdn-ar-001coaurop253.dialsprint.net/
Your AVI's are incredible! You are the most sensual smoker on the net. Why not do a full length video?
I'd be the first in line to buy it!
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- u made me stiff -- bob, 19:36:15 01/16/00 Sun (ki-proxy1.kosone.com/
man u r one hot babe when i saw ur pics i immediatley got and erection and when i saw u smoking and exhaling that thick rich creamy smoke at me i almost cummed anyway keep up the good work and cna u do some more clos up inhales and maybe go topless
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- Smoking Goddess -- Michael, 21:24:08 01/24/00 Mon (host-209-214-149-97.msy.bellsouth.net/
Ashelynn you are truly Smoking Goddess Of The New Millenium!
A Talented Vixen such as yourself could make a fortune with
a smoking fetish pay site featuring brief or indulgent nudity. Best luck to your future endeavors!!!
Visit my site www.maddogcurios.com for great cigarette cases
and unique handcarved meerschaum cigarette holders.
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- mmmmmmm....yummy! -- Sockpuppet, 14:13:52 01/27/00 Thu (1cust181.tnt2.long-beach.ca.da.uu.net/
Ashelynn, congrats on such a great website! I simply adore
your smoking...very sensual. Pleez keep the AVI's coming, as they are absolutely terrific. I would ask you to marry me, but alas, I am just a sockpuppet, you know?
Always peeking,
Sockpuppet :-)
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- long white cigarette smoking beauty -- Benson & Hedges Bob, 09:01:00 01/29/00 Sat (cr551602-a.wlfdle1.on.wave.home.com/
my favorite smoking site is yours.
your sexy style gets me in the drawers.
this ravishing little multi-puffer
makes me want to love her
first thing in the morn
a new lit ciggie is born
vs120's are best
dangling one with the rest
your in my dreams and wo't be forlorn
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- EXCELLENT SITE -- Paul, 05:35:25 01/31/00 Mon (NoHost/
What a spot on site. Ive been looking for a site like this for ages. You look stunning and such a seductress whilst you smoke. You can blow smoke over me anytime.
Keep up the good work
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- Holder AVI's -- Paul, 15:01:25 01/31/00 Mon (spider-tm034.proxy.aol.com/
Myyyy WORD!!!I LOVE these clips....would love to see you do more of them.ABSOLUTLEY FANTASTIC !!!
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- New message board for those who love pregnant smokers -- Darkbutt, 08:29:46 02/06/00 Sun (p3e9bb0f4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de/
Your site is great, Ashelynn. I love to watch your avi's.
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- gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- multilover, 16:46:59 02/06/00 Sun (ip078.pool-03.flashnet.it/
How can I explain how much I love this site? I've discovered it few days ago and Since then I've been attonished please Go on!
I 've used some clips as lessons for my girlfriend that have my same fetish. Great results!!!!
I'm from Italy and I'd like so much to chat with you somewhere in the net tell me if it would possible, where and when...
Keep on it!!!
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- Ashelynn-Smoking Seductress -- John-NY, NY, 19:02:09 02/10/00 Thu (spider-wj081.proxy.aol.com/
Wow. Ashelynn, you have just the site Ive been looking for.
Nice Clear moving pictures of a pretty girl like you smoking and lighting up. Details are so sharp. I Can see your cigarette brighten as you inhale. Ooh so sexy. The smoke blowing from your mouth. Aah.Thanks for all the sensual pleasure you give me. I hope in the future you can do a clip showing your legs. I Bet you have nice ones. Do you cross your legs? Do you wiggle your foot? That would really be great if you do but in any case I would love you to think of me getting off in front of you next time you make a clip. Thanks.
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- Great smoking beauty -- Pregsmoker, 07:52:58 02/12/00 Sat (p3e9edefd.dip0.t-ipconnect.de/
Hi Ashelynn,
I love your avi's. The greatest thing for me is to watch a beautiful woman smoke a cigarette right down to the filter, using all of the nice tobacco to still her everpresent cravings for nicotine.
So please do an avi where I can see you smoke a cigarette right down to the filter, with very deep cheek hollowing open mouth inhales. Then I wished I could see you crushing out your spent butt in your overflowing ashtray.
Are there any others who agree with me? Please vote with me...
Ashelynn, thank you very much for the pleasure you will give me,
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- " Drained " -- Sherry, 08:05:36 02/12/00 Sat (spider-we024.proxy.aol.com/
I am a 49 year old CD and I am afraid that you have completely turned m off from all other women.... I will never be able to get hard again unless I think of you... no other Lady has made an effect on me such as the one I see in the clips.... You are the answer to all my fetishes and fantasies.....
When I get dressed I love wearing red lipstick and smoke long slim cigarettes.... I also love long nails and have a blonde wig..... I enjoy using my holder when smoking my Newport 100's but wish I could find a holder to use with my Virginia Slim 120's
I have been dressing up for a long time but am still in the closet.... I need an attractive Lady like yourself to help me apply my make-up... Lipstick is easy but I need help wiht the eye make-up...
I just love the sight of red lipstick on the filter of a cigarette.....
Please Keep Up the great work.... I do not know how long I can keep masturbating 5-6 times a day seeing you but I will try .... my panties are already stretching just thinking of you KISS KISS Sherry
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- a humble request -- Sockpuppet, 15:53:19 02/15/00 Tue (1cust26.tnt1.long-beach.ca.da.uu.net/
I wish to ask if you would consider doing more AVI's with
you smoking B&H or VS 120's? I just love it when you move closer to the camera and get nice and cozy and close :-). I wish I could shoot a movie of you, but, alas, I cant operate a movie camera...being a sockpuppet and all, you know?
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- Been awhile -- Lee, 17:59:15 02/17/00 Thu (spider-we062.proxy.aol.com/
I really like the new look of your website. It is awsome. I suppose the best part of it, is the sexy, beautiful, person that is the attraction to this site. Wow.......
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- It Takes All Kinds -- Another Ashe Fan, 07:09:55 02/20/00 Sun (dialup-
Some of the folks here would find some of the others a bit weird, I think.
But you know what is REALLY weird?? Somewhere, there is someone that wouldn't enjoy this site. Not only must they hate smoking, but it really seems to me like they can't possibly be very into girls or women...truly, there is no accounting for taste.
So, instead of greeting everyone here and saying "hello fellow real men that think Ashe is one totally hot, slinky and adorable bad girl" I'll just say, "Hi!" to everyone else with the superior taste to prefer this site to anything on tv or in the movies, guys, girls, whoever.
But what yummy AVI's. nyuk-nyuk-nyuk! Woof! 23-skidoo! hakunna matada and Thanks, Ashe for being so cute and generous sharing your sweet subtle curves and not always so subtly seductive smoking...
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- the natives are getting restless... -- Sockpuppet, 13:35:55 02/20/00 Sun (1cust100.tnt11.long-beach.ca.da.uu.net/
Just a warning that we navitives are going nuts...must have
more video clips! I cant promise that they wont encircle
your camp and drag you off to shoot their own video clips
of you. I will try my best to hold them off a lil' while
longer... I think it would be best to give-in to their
demands :-)
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- Tattoos and piercings -- Doug, 16:46:12 02/23/00 Wed (abdb00ce.ipt.aol.com/
I noticed you have atleast two tattoos do you have anymore or any piercings????
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- A Dream Come True -- Robert C, 10:14:01 02/27/00 Sun (NoHost/
You are a dream come true, beautiful and sexy. and an unbelivable look in 6pumps, the hair the make-up, the nails and the choker. Oh my god!
My only request is some more smoking while dangling, you look so very hot when you perform that special move ;)
I love that this is a free site, I would be happy to make a voluntary contribution to my newest hobby (watching you) let me know if you need any financial support.
Robert C
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- Welcome! -- Ashelynn Fox, 01:30:09 12/31/99 Fri (max1-52.den.stsi.net/
Welcome to my message board:) feel free to post your comments/questions to me or others. Or just chat with everyone in general. Have fun and i hope you come back to visit often:)
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- Dangles -- Tommy T, 20:52:14 01/07/00 Fri (ip122.chicago12.il.pub-ip.psi.net/
You are so adorable when you dangle a Saratoga 120. I really enjoy the multiple dangles too.
Have you ever considered doing a forced smoking set of pics?
Thank you for being so cute.
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- Sexy Metals Sunglasses? -- Joan, 03:14:59 01/02/02 Wed (dns.lumberjack.com/
Hi! Grab one free??
Happy Holiday!
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> Best wishes!
> Regards,
> JOC Fan Club
> Interested in free goodies?
> Join my mailing list: joc_mailling@yahoo.com
> __________________________________________________
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- gewinnspiele lottozahlen arbeitsamt -- No name, 03:03:12 09/26/02 Thu (pD9054475.dip.t-dialin.net/
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- website -- david, 11:45:22 07/18/03 Fri (dialup.212-50-169-47.karoo.KCOM.COM/
hello ashelynn iam just enquiring could you give me your smoking site addy plz sweety as i would love to visit your site to see what,s on offer. ps do you do custom video,s (smoking) thankyou ashelynn love david.
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- Green Salems -- Paulmall, 08:00:29 01/25/00 Tue (98ac033d.ipt.aol.com/
Hi Ashelynn!
Thanks for all the work on your site!! (and for keeping it free!)Words truly can't do it justice. I remember emailing you when you first started this, suggesting you do some More pics...Man, did you ever!!:)
Anyway, this is probably old news, but the other day I was in one of my "menthol moods" (I usually stick with Marlboro 100's and Lights), so I bought some of those new Salem 100's. Lo and behold, there was one in there with a solid, dark green filter!! I immediately thought of you when I saw it. What could be more "mentholish" than a green filter? I haven't heard anyone mention this on any of the boards, etc. , but I thought it was a pretty neat gimmick. Any chance of pics and/or avi's with a "green" Salem 100?
Thanks again for all you've done in proving real smoking is an art form as well as a pleasure!!
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- How about a vid -- steve wiseone_uk@yahoo.com, 03:40:00 01/14/00 Fri (netway-nhs.ukcore.bt.net/
You really should let some of these amateur video producers - colight, smokevision, up in smoke etc. see how it should be done. Just two of your sweet drags are worth more than the entire production of some of these companies. To see you perform using their more sophisticated equipment and lighting would be the ultimate smoky experience.
BTW please dont forget the gloves and (a personal kink) how about slowly moving your fingers up and down the shaft, sorry I mean cigarette.
But that is minor point, basically the AVIs are perfect
Love from afar
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- Media Clips & Pics -- Brian, 14:28:35 01/03/00 Mon (2cust146.tnt2.albany2.ny.da.uu.net/
What an excellent site!!! Watching the perfection of your smoking and such a pretty women with all that smoke. I'm impressed!! I could watch your Media clips forever.. Please include sound and comments on future clips.
What is your favorite cig?. Looks like you love menthol.
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- i need to download these smoking clips... -- Roberto Fioravante, 18:40:15 06/09/01 Sat (americana-133-217.sp.psinet.com.br/
i need to download these videos and see this girl smoking...
please...anyone can send me url site for free acess..?
send me a email...
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- I am the first in ages! -- Where no men have been since 01!, 04:50:42 05/05/04 Wed (proxy23.ihug.com.au/
where the hell is Ashelynn Fox these days?
Will anyone even see this message?
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- Marlboro $14.95/ Camel $14.95/ West $13.95/ KENT $16.95 with delivery ! -- galastore, 02:25:32 05/25/04 Tue (212-42-109-187.elcat.kg/
Marlboro $14.95/ Camel $14.95/ West $13.95/ KENT $16.95 with delivery !
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- what i like when it comes to smokin -- ashley (da dymepiece), 13:40:08 08/10/04 Tue (adsl-66-73-5-100.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net/
i like black and milds those are the shit but i still be smokin them blunts...i jus really cant get high off of black and milds (well maybe some ppl. can) like i can wit a blunt....HOLLA
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- blacks -- cman, 16:53:40 11/29/04 Mon (cache-rtc-ac09.proxy.aol.com/
how do you take the cancer stick out of the blacks
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- Ashelynn's AVI Clips -- Allen-NY, 19:34:14 02/09/00 Wed (cache-dk01.proxy.aol.com/
I just want to tell you that you have the greatest site on the web for smoking fetishists like me. Your clips are so nice and clear. You are so sexy with your smoking. I get hard just thinking of your clips and I want you to know I
Jerk off regularly wathing your clips .thanks
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- QUIT SMOKING AND START A NEW LIFE! -- ma. jeri, 19:38:49 02/20/05 Sun (NoHost/
Its very hard to quit smoking, especially if you are so addicted to it.
Addicted to it for the rest of your life? Stop and have a new life, Im telling you, you would experience a different you.
Dont worry you wouldnt feel anything painful in your body.
Introducing to you this product called NOSMOQ..
NOSMOQ is a product from Japan that went through a very sensitive tests to make sure people can find it very effective!
And guess what, effective enough to have these testimonials from our users:
"Thanks to NosmoQ I was able to end my 20-year addiction to cigarettes. Thank you for saving my life."
- Emiko Isosaki, Japan
Order now and make a difference in your life. www.nosmoq.com
E-mail me at: jeri3721@yahoo.com
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- Black and milds -- brenda, 11:59:05 10/28/02 Mon (netcache-2001.public.lawson.webtv.net/
Been smoking them for 7 years now....they smell like chocolate and they taste like tobacco...they cause you to cough crap up.....and i heard they are equivalent to smoking five cigarettes......avoid em' if you can and if you have not started don't!!!!!!!!!!
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- Black and Milds -- Spc Little, 00:29:34 06/18/05 Sat (NoHost/
I am a soldier stationed in Afghan and i smoke black in milds in the states if anyone knows of a place that ships ovr here or would'nt mind sending some in a package i would really appreadiate it
Valerie Little
TF Salerno
KAF/ PRT Farah
APO,AE 09355 thanks
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- Cigar AVI's -- Jake M, 11:37:57 01/06/00 Thu (webcache10b.cache.pol.co.uk/
Please Please do some more cigar AVI's, preferably with thick nose exhales!
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- Your AVI's -- Robert D, 09:45:14 01/21/00 Fri (hlfx18-1.ns.sympatico.ca/
Doll I just love your site, especially the avi page!No question that it's the best I've seen on the web anywhere.I realize you have more to do than make avi's for us; but please keep them comming.
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- thanks -- joe, 09:04:34 05/23/06 Tue (cpe-24-193-157-230.nyc.res.rr.com/
Just wanted to thank you for making the videos I've seen on YouTube. You are a beautiful woman and appreciate your willingness to put the clips out there to view. My smoking fetish has been embarrassing at times and was glad to see someone open to it.
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- hi this is rena -- rena, 23:23:44 01/07/00 Fri (proxy.biw-ag.de/
oh my god.....what a wonderful smoking lady u r ashelynn
hi this is rena... i am 32, married and i live in germany.
i am a very addicted smoking female from germany and i
am hooked on nonfiltered cigarettes (i smoke around 2 ppd
approximately) and i love cigars...esp the fat ones such
as macanudos. i was a late starter ..i began smoking when
i was 19 years old..but i started with nonfilters which
a friend gave me....i love the pure rush of nicotine ..i tried several times to quit smoking nons but i always came back to them cause i am so much addicted to nonfiltered smoke. therefore i love cigars too.....i miss ur regular updates on the picture pages but i understand that it is much work to do so...but it is great that u update ur avi pages and i love them so much...esp the cigar and pall mall avis...i wished u would make some where u smoke pall malls without a holder too.....
i am a bifemale too...but my hub doesnt know about...i had a girlfriend for a long time but unfortunately she moved to hamburg this summer...so we cant meet so often ....she was into smoking fetish too and we spent lots of kinky hours with smoking and having wonderful sex. i really miss her now but i really enjoy watching ur wonderful avis and getting very excited while i do that and smoke at the same time. i wished we could talk in a chatroom some time...because i am very curious about urself and there are not many women around that love to smoke in a way like u do. i love to watch a wonderful women like u r while she smokes and inhales deeply....never seen a woman that inhales a cigar like u do.....i wished u would live in my town here in germany....i bet (but only if u want a bifem friend too) that we could spend lots of erotic hours together.
i would be so happy if you could get into contact with me.
so if u like feel free and drop me a line ....u can reach me at AOL (revalbi@aol.com).
one last word: u do a really good job for the smoking fetish community and esp. for me as i am a woman (unfortunately there are not much of us around..smile)and i hope that u will proceed this good work. Unfortunately i am not a professional in PC or net matters so i am not able to establish a own website but when i would be able i wished i would be a website like yours. But if u like i will send u some pics of me where u can see me smoking cigars too...hub took some of me and talia from smoking females, who i know for a certain time and she is a good friend of me too, was so nice and scanned them for me.
So please keep on doing such a good job and i am curious about your next updates....and pls excuse my bad english.
lots of smoky kisses from germany
yours rena
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- Ever Thought About Being A Movie STAR -- wayne, 13:26:28 01/16/00 Sun (sdn-ar-014casfrmp145.dialsprint.net/
Have you ever thought about going into pix for real.You'd be
one great movie star besides your natural beauty you take to
the camera well & from what I've seen in your clips you can act as well or better than most of the stars today.Throw in
a smoking scene & you'd have movie goers melting.I love your
smoking style beautiful you show exactly what it is sexy &
very glamorous.You are a doll.
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- BLACK AND MILDS GIGARS -- CYNTHIA PRATHER (THEY ARE NO BLACKAND MILD NOW?), 10:10:58 01/13/08 Sun (pool-71-180-41-123.tampfl.fios.verizon.net/
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- black and milds good for u or not -- Neil, 08:44:26 08/25/03 Mon (bgp526349bgs.ebrnsw01.nj.comcast.net/
Hello i was wonderin who can tell me the facts on black and milds i love them i smoke them occasionally like i had one last night and the night before i wanna know in the long run when i get older if i would have problems because i don't wanna have like lung cancer can u tell me the facts about them like is it the worst thing for u or is it better than cigarettes.
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- Sales Manager -- aiyubkhan, 11:21:41 10/10/08 Fri (
ISO 9001, good working & profit making company required sales manager
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- Black And Milds -- Gary, 22:27:22 02/16/00 Wed (spider-wc082.proxy.aol.com/
Have you thought about doing an AVI with a Balck and Mild? How do you like Black and Milds in realtion to other cigars? Look forward to hearing your complete story on Black and Milds.......talk to you soon....Gary
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- law -- Kool Solutions, 07:48:37 08/03/09 Mon (NoHost/
Accidents and personal injuries can never be prevented. It can happen anytime and anywhere without even knowing it. You are unaware with the things that are going to happen with your surroundings. Since this is unstoppable, there are certain rules to compensate with your losses and injuries. In doing so, consulting a lawyer will ease the burden and you can fight for your rights just the way it should be. Some people and victims decline to consult a lawyer with the thought that seeking one will only make them spend a lot of money without winning anything and make it even worse. Sometimes they fear of making their case get too complicated so they remain silent and still. Everyone has the right to be defended and reserves to fight for their rights.
It is true that cases and hearings are too stressful and nerve-racking but if you caught a good lawyer to handle your case, it is never a problem at all. You just leave it to your lawyer and you will be left worry-free.
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How to Find the Right Time to Buy a New Home
By Knut Holt
Home prices are cyclic, they tend to rise and fall. To buy a new home is best at the bottom, and to sell a housing is of course most favorabale at the top. Here are some advices that may help you recognize these periods of the lowest and highest real estate prices.
The real estate market is very cyclic. The average prices of houses and other homes vary periodically in every country and community. In some communities this variation is downright bizarre, so that the prices climb 400% or so in a period of a few years, and then suddenly crack 300% or more in a much shorter time.
A period of rising prices can be rather long, for exmple 5-9 year, but nearly always with small intervening periods of fall. When the prices fall, it often take a lot shorter time, for example 0.5-1 year.
If you buy a home for the first time, it is a good strategy to buy when the prices are at such a cyclic bottom. The down periods will usually also be best to take the action if you shall sell your home and immediately buy a greater, more expensive one.
If you shall sell a property and not buy another, the best period to sell will of course be at the top.
The top will usually also be the best time to take action if you plan to sell your home and buy a cheaper one, or can wait a period before buying a new home.
Whatever you plan to do, it is useful to recognize when the prices have reached the bottom and when the price climbing has ceased and the time is due for a price decline or downright crack. The bottoms, the climbing periods, the tops and the falling periods nearly always follow other cyclic changes in the society, and this can help you to predict the development of home prices in the time to come.
The bottom stages typically occur after a period with a substantial fall. The fall has usually been nearly as big as the prize climb in the period a while before. Also the society tend to be in a depressive economical state, where companies earn little, many are unemployed, wages are low, stock quotes are at a bottom, and many companies get broke.
But you will at the same time see beginning improvements in all these parameters. This deeply miserable state, but with beginning improvements will often signal the very bottom of a home price cycle.
When you have recognized a bottom stage, you can be fairly certain that the home prices will begin to soar again, but usually it takes some time. In the stage of soaring home prices you will long have a strong improvement in the economy of society. The companies are increasing their profit, the unemployment rate goes down, the stock market rises, wages go up, and there is a growing optimism in the society.
But the home prices tend to rise some time also when the general economy in the society has begun to decline again, and during this beginning law conjuncture, the optimism, price rise and activity in the real estate marked tend to be intense.
Thus an overheated real estate market together with a distinct beginning deterioration in the general economy of society, signals that the home prices soon will stop to climb.
At the top, the general economy of society has already been deteriorating for some time, with decreasing company profits, increasing unemployment, stocks going down and increasing number of bankruptcies.
At the top the average citizen has typically accumulated a steadily more heavy dept level, due to purchase of grossly overprized real estate objects, and a historically high number of people do not manage paying interests and mortgage.
You can often recognize that home prices do not soar any more, but they may fluctuate somewhat up and down without any specific direction for quite a while. But this does not happen always. Sometimes the real estate market shifts right down into a crack, from a psychotic state of activity with increasing optimism about eternal price climb.
You can also get a hint by looking at historical data from past periods of climbs and falls. When the prizes have climbed as many percent as in the last period of climb, you may be at the top, or the top is approaching.
The falling period tends to have an initial face with rapid fall in home prices, in some societies regular cracks of more than 50% over a few weeks is the norm. After this rapid fall, the prices tend to soar for a short time, but then a new fall occurs to an even lower level. There can be several small faces with regaining prices followed with periods with even greater price decline until the bottom level is reached.
The economical situation in the society tend to deteriorate rapidly during this period and the falling home prices accelerate the decline of the economy.
To assess when the fall is over, it is useful to look at charts depicting home prices for several decades in the particular society. The percentual fall tends to be much the same each time.
Use of young athletes as guinea pigs in medical experiments and medical training objects
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Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood
Collected, edited and analyzed by Knut Holt
Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex
You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about.
Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events
Memories of events that may be interpreted as alien abduction are quite common. Some may be from real abduction by non-human beings coming in strange flying vehicles.
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Often one does not remember the abduction as such, but one remembers only some loose details during some kind of ordeal one has been subjected to.
I have made a poll to investigate these memories. If you have experienced something of the kind, please go to the poll and answar. All the answars will be lain out in the massage forum of the poll to be commented further upon.
The address of the poll:
Extended mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia:
In certain areas the health authorities has begun to subject children and teens to extended well-child physicals where one performs several or all of the following procedures: inspections with optical scopes through all or several body openings,ultrasound examinations of most body structures, x-ray taking of joints, EEG and EKG. The kid is often given sedation or even general anesthesia during these extended physicals to make the kid cooperative and to hinder him or her from remembering. Still the kid will remember a lot of details around the procedures and sometimes also from the procedures themselves, because anesthesia never works perfectly, and the kid will always have some symptoms afterwards that tell a lot of what has been done. This poll has the aim of investigating experiences from such ordeals.
Poll about cystoscopy:
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Secret medical exams and procedures under anesthesia:
There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives. This poll is to find out how common signs of such secret ordeals having been done are. This poll has beenlaunched in several sesseions.
Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:
There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives. This poll is to find out how common signs of such secret ordeals having been done are.
All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.
Knut Holt
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