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Date Posted: 10:54:48 06/12/04 Sat
Author: vinny
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: hi this is rena
In reply to: rena 's message, "hi this is rena" on 23:23:44 01/07/00 Fri

Hi Rena - I too, am a confirmed filterless smoker. I smoke nonfiltered Pall Malls, and I absolutely LOVE them! I'd never smoke anything else. I've been smoking them for well over 20 years, and still enjoy the nicotine rush they always deliver. I always inhale deeply, so as to more fully enjoy the beautiful smoke. I absolutely LOVE my smoking habit, & would like to be able to communicate with others who feel the same way. Just E-Mail me, if you'ld like . . .

>oh my god.....what a wonderful smoking lady u r
>hi this is rena... i am 32, married and i live in
>i am a very addicted smoking female from germany and i
>am hooked on nonfiltered cigarettes (i smoke around 2
>approximately) and i love cigars...esp the fat ones
>as macanudos. i was a late starter ..i began smoking
>i was 19 years old..but i started with nonfilters which
>a friend gave me....i love the pure rush of nicotine
>..i tried several times to quit smoking nons but i
>always came back to them cause i am so much addicted
>to nonfiltered smoke. therefore i love cigars
>too.....i miss ur regular updates on the picture pages
>but i understand that it is much work to do so...but
>it is great that u update ur avi pages and i love them
>so much...esp the cigar and pall mall avis...i wished
>u would make some where u smoke pall malls without a
>holder too.....
>i am a bifemale too...but my hub doesnt know about...i
>had a girlfriend for a long time but unfortunately she
>moved to hamburg this summer...so we cant meet so
>often ....she was into smoking fetish too and we spent
>lots of kinky hours with smoking and having wonderful
>sex. i really miss her now but i really enjoy watching
>ur wonderful avis and getting very excited while i do
>that and smoke at the same time. i wished we could
>talk in a chatroom some time...because i am very
>curious about urself and there are not many women
>around that love to smoke in a way like u do. i love
>to watch a wonderful women like u r while she smokes
>and inhales deeply....never seen a woman that inhales
>a cigar like u do.....i wished u would live in my town
>here in germany....i bet (but only if u want a bifem
>friend too) that we could spend lots of erotic hours
>i would be so happy if you could get into contact with
>so if u like feel free and drop me a line ....u can
>reach me at AOL (revalbi@aol.com).
>one last word: u do a really good job for the smoking
>fetish community and esp. for me as i am a woman
>(unfortunately there are not much of us
>around..smile)and i hope that u will proceed this good
>work. Unfortunately i am not a professional in PC or
>net matters so i am not able to establish a own
>website but when i would be able i wished i would be a
>website like yours. But if u like i will send u some
>pics of me where u can see me smoking cigars too...hub
>took some of me and talia from smoking females, who i
>know for a certain time and she is a good friend of me
>too, was so nice and scanned them for me.
>So please keep on doing such a good job and i am
>curious about your next updates....and pls excuse my
>bad english.
>lots of smoky kisses from germany
>yours rena

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  • quit smoking in just 7 days at www.nosmoq.com -- malou, 17:20:12 11/24/04 Wed

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