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Date Posted: 13:37:02 04/29/10 Thu
Author: Yetunde Olaniyi
Author Host/IP: c-98-218-112-144.hsd1.md.comcast.net /
Subject: Re: Black&Milds
In reply to: Brian 's message, "Re: Black&Milds" on 19:30:22 09/26/07 Wed

>>I smoke Black&Milds several times each and everyday.
>>I want to know the effects of smoking them other than
>>lung cancer?
>I use to be like you, I could smoke a pack a day easy
>with no problem and two if alcohol was involved. I
>quit when they sent me to the hospital and I almost
>died in front my mother. At first, you think nothing
>of Blacks, but just think...1.) They contain more
>niccotine and tobacco than cigarrettes. Whether the
>myth about one black equals five cigarrettes is true
>or not, more damage is done when more smoke is inhaled.
>2.) Cigars aren't meant to be inhaled! I used to be
>the one who would say "Everybodies got their own
>choice of poison.", or "It's too many problems in the
>world to let this lil black bother you," I had all
>kind of responses when people told me they were
>killing me, but I didn't want to listen so life taught
>me instead.
>3.)THEY'RE IS NO FILTER ON A BLACK. Think about it.
>Like my dad use to say to me.."You inhaling straight
>butter!". That was his way of saying you don't know
>how much you are killing yourself. Filters are
>usually made out of fiber glass to block all the the
>harmful chemicals from entering your lungs. It sounds
>like no big deal now, but don't end up like me years
>down the road with your chest locking up to the point
>that you are concentrating on breathing. Trust me,
>you don't want that.
>4.) With all these negative qualities, you would
>assume that you would be able to research them and see
>the harmful effects. I have tried that, there is
>little to none if any at all. Why? The reason is
>that Black & Milds don't effect "them" as a whole yet,
>when it does, you'll start to see the new truth
>commercial ect. Black & Milds are dominant in black
>communities. They are as popular as Malboro's are to
>white people, if not more. When they begin to leak
>over to mainstream America, they will be worth the
>time and effort of today's media to reveal their
>harmful effects.
>I'm only giving you my truth about blacks. I grew up
>playing sports for my school and partying too. I
>still have fun, but I had no choice but to wisen up.
>I'm not big on e-mails responses and to be frankly
>honest, this is my first ever. I did it because I see
>their is no concrete facts offered unless they come
>from someone who has experienced them. That someone
>is me. I hope I was clear enough to make you think
>about blacks. Breaking old habits are hard to do, but
>trust me, you'll thank me once the truth surfaces. If
>you do decide to try and stop, I'm even willing to be
>your support. I guess like a pen pal or e-mail pal.
>But it's your life, and noone can make you stop. It's
>gotta be something you truly want. My e-mail address
>is bi7sh5op7@yahoo.com. I'm Brian by the way, hope I
>was able to answer your question.

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