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Date Posted: 11:51:45 07/16/11 Sat
Author: Vice Verser
Subject: Catherine Zickgraf/ Writer Profile/ Critique

Catherine's style is very unique. She's not like any other writer in this forum in my opinion. I feel that she may be the most well-rounded person in the forum. She's had more experiences in love and in life in general. Catherine understands that as an artist you're sharing your innermost being.
Catherine is one of the most versatile writers in the forum and I'm just realizing this recently. I've read a lot of her work and seen how the style of the tone of the narration varies from poem-to-poem, piece-to-piece. In terms of poetry I feel she is very well-read.

As I have an addiction to William S. Burrough's, I feel she has a dependence on her favorite poet, Anne Sexton. This isn't a bad thing but I personally feel that certain famous or widely published writers had more stuffy or restrictive styles. I've told her before that her writing resembles Plath more than Sexton in my opinion.

When I say that I'm speaking strictly in terms of their writing and not who they are as people. (A lot of people get that confused) I have the ability of being able to block-out who an artist is personally and judging them based mostly on how their work makes me feel. In Catherine's case her personality is a huge part of her work.

As a person I feel that she's extroverted and very open. Ironically, her work is more intricate and reveals itself at it's own pace. It takes awhile to notice certain recurring themes. For example, I feel artistically she vents her personal image of herself as sexually repressed and sexually rebellious simultaneously.
I think that Catherine is also the most developed performance artist in the forum. I get alot of inspiration from her, alot of my favorite writers were female and I compare her to other great female voices. In my opinion a female writer would have to try even harder to pique my interest because I'll constantly be judging her work against other great female writers.
Catherine understands that artistically she represents the collective creative feminine in her body of work.
Catherine's subject matter is very diverse. Certain things she's written I'll read and think, "Damn, the subject matter was kinda risque or gutsy in a socio-political sense".

At other times it's gutsy on a personal level in the sense that she's revealing so much of her psyche... or her subsconscious or just her emotions on a conscious level.
Her style can be very informative but I think her style mixes a great combination of emotion and tone.
She has a way of capturing perspectives.

It's as if her writing forms less from conceiving words and more from translating the exact moods particular events put her in. Her style is very multi-faceted because she's truly a student of art.
Through her writing I feel that she's truly expressing who she really is/was. I don't feel thta many writers truly dig deep and share their innermost being. It's not a bad thing, there's no rules set on how you should express yourself. I feel that you give of a vibe of impersonality as an artist if you don't share things that may be hard for you to express at times.

Personally, her work inspires me more to want to tell my story. I feel that she takes a lot of pride in who she is as a Writer, Person, and as a Female.
I feel that her work also has a lot of soul. It's something that you can't substitute or rush, it's something she's developed by practicing her art.
Instead of just being a reader or spectator Catherine makes you an avid fan.
I feel that she speaks about certain issues a lot of writers would be either afraid to or just wouldn't handle properly.

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