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Subject: Re: Former WCW Superstar to battle DBA at XICW Beyond Xtreme 2002

Amazing N8
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Date Posted: 19:22:05 12/09/01 Sun
In reply to: get real!! 's message, "Re: Former WCW Superstar to battle DBA at XICW Beyond Xtreme 2002" on 22:15:43 12/07/01 Fri

Well to tell ya the truth, DBA might not look like much, but as they say,"it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog" that matters. I have fought the DBA a dozen times and he has been one of my toughest opponents. DBA has been in many top matches with some big names like former NWA World Heavyweight Champion "Wildfire" Tommy Rich, ECW's "Chair-Swingin' Freak" Balls Mahoney & the WWF's "Man-Beast" Rhyno. We'll see if DBA has learned anything from all that experience. I'm looking forward to "The Dangerous One" take on "K-Dawg" in what should be a historic night.

Since were on the subject of big names, the NWA Great Lakes put on an excellent show in Flint, Michigan on Dec. 8th. First, the NWA World Jr. Heavyweight Champion "Boston Bad Boy" Jason Rumble successfully defended his title against the NWA Great Lakes Jr. Heavyweight Champion "The King Of The Night-Time World" Tommy Wonder. Then former ECW star Simon Diamond w/valet Dawn Marie defeated Chris Sabin w/manager Scotty Libido. In the main event, 2-time NWA Great Lakes Heavyweight Champion Gutter w/The Voices & Cindy defeated "The King Of Old-School" Steve Corino to retain his title!

...Those are just my thoughts, have a GR8 day!

-Amazing N8

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Re: Former WCW Superstar to battle DBA at XICW Beyond Xtreme 2002big bubba lucious08:44:35 12/12/01 Wed
    Re: Former WCW Superstar to battle DBA at XICW Beyond Xtreme 2002Scott16:52:26 01/28/02 Mon

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