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Subject: IWF News: This Friday "DISRESPECT!"

A.T. Huck
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Date Posted: 13:06:35 05/28/02 Tue

The Insane Wrestling Federation
returns to the Al Matta Hall
5121 Oakman in Dearborn

This Friday, May 31st
at 7:30pm

For The IWF Heavyweight Title

Sabu -vs- Yukon Braxton

Yukon Braxton will get his chance at Sabu! In a match that is long over due, in Yukon's opinion that is. At the last Al Matta Hall show Yukon attacked Sabu for no apparent reason but to get a chance at the title. Yukon could pull off the biggest upset in history or he could have made the biggest mistake of his life!!

Corporal Robinson -vs- Necro Butcher

In a grudge match Corporal Robinson will face the ever crazy, blood thirsty Necro Butcher! Chris the Fly has a big surprise in store for Corporal Robinson!

Cash Flo -vs- Colt Cabana

In a best 2 out of 3 falls match Colt Cabana will try and win back some of his pride as he faces Cash Flo!

Danny Daniels -vs- Loverboy Steve

IWF Cruiserweight Champion Danny Daniels -vs- Loverboy Steve
Steve finally gets his shot at the gold!

C.M. Punk -vs- Chris Hero

Steve Nixon -vs- Mr. Insanity

Breyer Wellington -vs- Gutter


$12 in advance $15 at the door
Children 12 and under only $5.00

Tickets on sale now!!

Call (313) 438-4137 or (248) 788-5833 for info
or go to iwfwrestling.com

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