PWL TV Champion Amazing N8
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Date Posted: 06:45:18 11/27/02 Wed
Hello PWLosers,
This is your new PWL TV Champion, "Amazing" N8 Mattson! That's right, I ended Sabin's year-long reign at this year's Brownstown Beatdown 2 to become the real King Of Television. Since I became champ, my list of demands became even longer, but since ratings were dropping so fast, the TV producers had to agree to all of my requests. I wanted my own dressing room, I got it. I wanted fresh fruit, steak, my own parking space, more money, you name it, I got it. station management had no choice but to give me everything I wanted. But the icing on the cake was when I was able to have BRUNO FIRED on Cable television! That bumbling stooge made Barney Fife look like Superman, and I got rid of him. We don't have to worry about him EVER again. As for Gutter, brother you're days are numbered on the PWL. Not only will me and my partner Truth Martini defeat you at the next Metro Pro Wrestling show, we will crush you and send you back to the garbage can you crawled out of! So Gutter, Sabin & Shelley, prepare yourself because you will be... TRULY AMAZED!
-PWL TV Champion Amazing N8
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