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Subject: Brownstown Beatdown 1-01-01

Amazing N8
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Date Posted: 09:46:27 10/11/01 Thu

Browstown Beatdown is only a few weeks away, coming to you on November 1st. Matches already signed are:
*Ricco Rodriguez vs. Dyson Pryce- Ricco is a 7-year pro and is very crafty in the ring, but Dyson is a pure power house. This match will be very interesting to see who comes out on top.
*Mr.Electricity vs. Chris Valentino- Both men are technical wrestlers, we'll see if they can turn it up a notch.
*CIA vs.Scufflin' Hillbillies- The Hillbillies are the most unpredictable tag team around, and the CIA is the most underhanded, no good, notorious team from Canada. This one will definitely be a barn-burner!
*Breyer Wellington vs. Chris Sabin- Both have a great amateur background, but Breyer has a lot more experience. Sabin likes to take a lot of risks when executing top rope maneuvers. Could this be a factor? We'll find out.
*Yukon Braxton vs. Brimstone- Both men are unpredictable and very strong, I think we might see one of the biggest grudge matches turn into a pure brawl.
*Plus, Gutter still does not know who his mystery opponent is. Who could it be? You'll just have to show up to find out! Also in action, Anthony Rivera and "Chunk-N-Dale" Eric Fine. Keep watching the show to find out more details. The Brownstown Community Center is located on the corner of Telegraph and King road in Brownstown, Michigan. Bell Time 7:30PM


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Re: Brownstown Beatdown 11-01-2001Amazing N809:51:40 10/11/01 Thu

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