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Date Posted: 11:55:53 01/02/05 Sun
Author: Darryl B.
Subject: Re: Berzerk 5/10
In reply to: -- 's message, "Berzerk" on 08:41:59 12/10/99 Fri

Kind of an odd choice for a license for the Vectrex, due to the original needing color (somewhat) to let the player know that the difficulty level has increased, plus there was not only no voice synthesis built into the Vectrex, but hardly any of it's games has voice either.

Anyway, for those who are not aware of the hugely popular this arcade game was, it was one of the earliest talking games ever, as your humanoid made his way through a series of mazes, shooting robots and dodging their fire. Touching ANYTHING will kill you, whether it be a robot, one of their shots, a wall in the maze, or Evil Otto, a giant ball of death that comes after you if you take too long to get through a maze. The game also had a unique scoring system, as the player would always get the points no matter how a robot was destroyed: if two robots walked into each other, walked into a wall, shot one another, or got silenced by Evil Otto, the player always got the points.

Well, as great as the original was, the Vectrex version wasn't: first off, it moved a bit slow. There's a collision detection problem where the robots will walk halfway through a wall before they get destroyed (uh huh). Evil Otto doesn't announce his presence whenever he's going to appear (oh well, neither did the Atari 2600 version, though), but not only was a silly bounce sound added as he hopped across the screen, but he was also made too easy to avoid.

Needless to say, the 2600 version was better than this, which is a bit sad, especially since it had several more game variations than this one did (in regards to when you got extra lives, no Otto, shootable Otto, etc.). Oh well.

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