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Date Posted: 18:47:37 02/18/07 Sun
Author: Darryl B.
Subject: I, Cyborg 8/10

This is probably the strangest Vectrex homebrew available (at the time of this writing), although that's not a bad thing, it's just pretty different!

Being one of the larger ones as well (weighing in at 32K), the game starts off more along the lines of being a puzzle game during the first of four sections that you must get your cyborg through in order to win the game. You'll lose quite a few lives trying to figure out how to get past obstacles that take away your shield units by colliding or zapping you, which you must either dodge or shoot them; other dangers will kill you upon contact. With passing by every few markers on the side of the screen, you're going to set off a trap, so you'll have to be on the alert instantly when something new is headed your way as you walk through the levels.

The game starts picking up during the second area, where you walk through a really cool canyon, which the graphics are pretty good, as are the sound effects, although it's mostly a pretty quiet game throughout. The controls respond well too, although the game falters a bit with the third area, which is pretty much a rehash of the first one. Granted, the game's a bit difficult -- but not impossible to beat -- and there's dangers that are unique to each area, along with four boss stages, each of which is different as well (the final one looks like an evil version of Kryten from the U. K. tv sci-fi comedy Red Dwarf!).

Unfortunately the game has only so-so replay value, along with a really bad ending, which is made worse with some really frustrating stages in the game (there's always one level of each area [the first three areas have four levels each, plus the boss level] which is longer and/or harder than the other three), and with this being the most expensive homebrew so far to date ($30 + postage, unless the stuff from Vectorzoa shipped overseas costs more, I don't know, since I haven't gotten any of those yet) means that this isn't quite for everyone.

Still, it's a pretty cool game, and the four FURY games have (so far) gotten good reviews pretty much everywhere, so it can be assured that this is the usual quality title from them.

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