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Date Posted: 22:54:35 04/19/08 Sat
Author: Darryl B.
Subject: Re: Spike's Water Balloons (analog controller version) 5/10
In reply to: Darryl B. 's message, "Vectopia (overall)" on 19:47:12 01/11/08 Fri

Personally I've "retired" the original controller that came with my Vectrex (hard to believe it still works, eh?), so I have no desire to play this game, as the digital replacement one that Dondzila makes barely works for this game (Spike is uncontrollable), so you can't use it.

Still, how does this game work, though? Well, I don't really see how it's any better than using a digital controller on the version of this game that appears on Dondzila's All Good Things cartridge; matter of fact, my scores were lower on this version here with the original controller than on the ...Things cartridge with my digital replacement controller.

This is a clone of Kaboom! for many gaming and computer platforms in the 1980s (the Atari 2600 version was the very first), consisting of your enemy Spud tossing water balloons down at you. You have to pop them with your head, which is a bit smaller than the buckets in the original. You can kick back up the ones you miss (a la the arcade game Kick Man), but with the action being so quick, by the time you realize that you've missed one, it's too late and you lose a chance as it hits the ground before you can kick it back up (unless you resort to button mashing). The humor of the original is gone (the "mad bomber" smiles as all the bombs explode, which doesn't happen here, which is too bad, I'd LIKE to see little drops of water as the balloons pop!) and it takes longer in between chances before you can start playing again than the original, and the analog control isn't any better than the digital, in my opinion.

I give the original version of this game on ...Things a 6, this one a 5, since it's the exact same, minus the better control.

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  • Re: Vectopia (overall 7/10) -- Darryl B., 18:39:26 01/10/09 Sat
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