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Subject: i think im gonna give my character some tragic reason for leaving lol

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Date Posted: 17:38:40 03/11/03 Tue
In reply to: Tess 's message, ":-D" on 11:59:37 03/11/03 Tue

we left all of our belongings(well most of them) and horses w/ Ann's family..a lot of the horses weren't ours, we just got payed to work with them and teach them(best job in the world) but we had two show horses, which we sold for mondo bucks which is how we got the money to move out here after some stuff happened. theres one riding stable that i know of, like 20 miles away but im pretty sure its like just trail horses and donkeys. but i guess any horses would be better than none..it just wont feel right without the horses im used to. but theres really nothing else i can do out here. we live in the city. i would call ann but the long distance is too much. i dont want to put my mum through any more stress. the good thing is she says if this "doesnt work out" she'll look for another long-term job on a farm. oh and shes in school for veterinary(something she says shes always wanted to do even tho i knew nothing about it til a few months ago) at least i think thats what it is. it might be assistant. i dont know. have you seen libby at all? i felt so bad for you after you sold her and i thought to myself 'thank goodness i wont have to do that(except for with the training horses..but i was always prepaired for that)' and then it happened lol. thanks..i hope i find some nice people at this school but it isnt even really the sort of people i WANT to fit in with, you know? you never know whos hiding a razor in their mouth and whos not..lol yeah i think you had a tough case to diagnose. i should get going on some of my homework cya
p.s. i started reading the new thoroughbred series: they actually have a character named PARKER who EVENTS!! lol i love those books !!!

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