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Subject: Enter The Arctice Plains Of Drafts....

Black Beauty
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Date Posted: 08:53:09 08/18/04 Wed

As you walk on your horse,in the hot desert sun,it begins to get colder and colder,every step you take.Next thing you now your in the arctic.The wind is calm but it is still cool,but it is not COLD it is just cool.You ask your horse to stop.He listen to you and stops died in his tracks.Your horse stands there with you on his back.The only thing you do is stare into the land ahead of you.

You here to nickers in the distance then see,two beautiful clydesdales rear,in the distance of course.They both land and canter of.But before they canter of they see you then nicker to your horse.You and your horse watche them leave.Suddenly your horse goes into a full out gallop,what do you do?Stay on and find out where he is taking you,or jump off and kill yourself.

Forty-five minutes after your horse took off you are there.He stops and almost sends you flying.You manage to stay on.You look you and see a wonderful white land.It is so warm here.Flowers are blooming and the wild drafts have new foals.You look around and see tons of draft horse and foals.

As you look around you see a town.You pick up your reins then,kick your horse in the side and cluck.Your horse listen and goes straight to a gallop towards the city.

Fifteen minutes after you are in the town.You see horses driving,little kids riding fat little ponies in races,for fun.You ride on and see a race track,covered in snow.Right now horses are racing,they're doing a harness race.You watch for a bit then walk your horse on.You pass a stable and it says Draft Town Stables and under that it says Does Offer Boarding

Now the choice is yours.This is a perfect place to live and board your horse.Will you stay or will you go?

Enter The Arctic Plains Of Drafts


Where you never know,what might happen......

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