Subject: The Spirit Of Science |
Tom Anderson
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Date Posted: 18:06:11 08/05/01 Sun
The Spirit Of Science
I. Introduction
II. The essence of science
III. Science in an irrational civilization
IV. Develop a scientific mind
V. Integrate science with business
I. Introduction
Science is a dynamic, intrinsic to the creation of every nonmystic idea, and to the practical efforts for bringing such ideas to reality. This process is a major factor behind every existing productive strategy and action.
Understanding the spirit of science can deliver a person a whole new approach to all areas of thought-intensive work and problem solving.
Science-based thinking mitigates thinking errors and mysticisms while empowering individuals to creatively integrate new ideas -- especially controversial and non-traditional ideas -- with practical actions, thereby bringing their ideas into reality.
After having read this manual, you will understand the essence of science, the reason why the most innovative research is suppressed in today's civilization, and by which groups, and how you can benefit by applying scientific thinking to your personal and business goals.
II. The essence of science
The general definition of science is: observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation. While this description is true, it is not sufficient for understanding the specific essence of the process of science.
By definition, science is methodology, is disciplined activity. That methodology consists of observing cause and effect -- a process that constantly yields new experience, which is then integrated with reality -- integrated with all facts that are proven, self-evident, or axiomatic. Whenever contradictions result, the facts involved must be reconsidered, until they are all consistent with the integrated scientific picture of reality. This is the key to understanding the specific essence of science.
The process of science leads to constant questioning of established theories, facts and beliefs, through the confrontation with new evidence. It discards the notion of establishing authority-based truths (like all other traditional systems for acquiring knowledge) in favor of integrating proven, but never absolute facts that must exist in context with previous knowledge.
Existing "facts" may always be disproven by later, wider integrations of proven knowledge. The essence of science is the in-context picture of reality as the integrated whole of all previous knowledge, and the dynamic, constant questioning of established facts through the introduction of new facts. In turn, such reality-aligned facts yield conscious-based efforts that lead to new, problem-solving technology which overrides the defaults of nature.
A conclusion of the scientific view is also the conviction that nothing in existence is ultimately unknowable to us. Its logic demands proof for every assertion, including that one. Even with a hypothetically provable theory that some certain things are forever unknowable, that theory itself might ultimately be disproved by future, wider facts.
III. Science in an irrational civilization
Free scientific progress is a dynamic that knows no bounds or limits. Therefore, it cannot unfold its potential within Earth's traditional civilization, with its inherent rules of stagnation, limits of freedom, limits of free-thought wide-scope thoughts. To overcome and discard today's dead-end dynamics, it is absolutely necessary to first fully understand and realize their factual presence. Only then, one can discard them forever.
Backed through authority and force, the characteristics of the traditional civilization are fundamentally incompatible with the ever-changing, ever-progressing building of valid knowledge; from the nearly 1500-year christian rejection and prosecution of different perspectives, to the modern irrational fears of technology, envious/ignorant anti-progress attitudes that are created and perpetuated by dishonest academics, religious mystics, media people and politicians, seldom questioned by the authority-seeking populace, and orchestrated by vast systems of directionless, false-power-seeking bureaucracies. Authority-led societies create and maintain unquestionable, knowledge-diminishing dogmas, while liberated science creates myth-breaking, knowledge-enhancing solutions.
Most of the professional scientific research that takes place today is extremely expensive and inefficient, knowing no cost discipline because of funding from governments and big, mostly "politically correct", corporations, and conservative, expanding knowledge in well-established slow-growth areas, while shunning new, controversial, and largely un-researched fields from politically incorrect, high-energy, resource-eating applied molecular technologies to politically controlled nuclear technologies, to genetics held back and attacked by christian and environmentalist institutions, to widely shunned/prosecuted research directed toward human immortality.
Keep in mind that almost every pioneer of science or technology was ignored or persecuted at the time of his discoveries. Dynamics of mysticisms are identical with anti-technology attitudes: they consist of the automatic or purposely dishonest rejection of the obvious without honest consideration.
Perhaps the biggest obstacle for productive, honest-minded scientists are the scientific elite communities and the academic establishment. Today, these communities and institutions function through simple group dynamics, of obeying to the authority, to the popular, to the standards.
The greek philosopher Plato was the founder of his own school, which he called the Academy. Plato's main premises include that 1) objective reality does not exist 2) ideas and subjective thoughts have primacy over reality 3) the State and a government-led society is a necessary, integral part of "reality". Such dogmatic, un-provable truths are the base of his philosophy, and are also the leading viewpoints in today's academic establishment, which persecutes politically incorrect but valid ideas.
Creativity-destroying and immoral -- since force-backed -- compulsion schooling, the foundation of public school systems, are also ideas originating from Plato, which he formulated in his philosophical manifesto, "The Republic". Based on such education is also the prussian school system, a 200 year-old european system of public "education", explicitly intended to 1) generate obedient citizens 2) create diligent but narrow-minded physical workers and soldiers 3) introduce a set of common, politically correct opinions into the broad populace. In the 19th century, the previous free-choice schooling systems in the US were overthrown by power-seeking statesmen, and replaced with this form of mandatory public schooling, supervised and controlled by the state.
Valid paradigms of education are, in a nutshell, to 1) deliver knowledge without force 2) strive to teach objective, provable facts 3) deliver the practically applicable knowledge necessary for creating new values.
IV. Develop a scientific mind
Your first step is to recreate the meme of science for yourself -- by abandoning false associations with science, from dangerous and purposeless technology, and images of mad scientists, to the largely incompetent academic elite focusing on the establishment of authoritative standards, instead of taking on ever new practical problems, and also pseudo- and non-science, like christian "science".
Many professional scientists are highly productive people. However, every professional entrepreneur can also boost his ability to create long-term values, hence his success, by understanding and applying the idea of science.
A clear relation exists between the power of innovation and mystic-free wide-scope thinking. Wide-scope thinking is a method of focused concentration on a specific area, to identify the biggest problems and chances where they naturally exist, and to develop a practical long-term strategy with the goal of solving such problems through the realization of unique, new ideas.
Determining such future big-time problems, solutions and opportunities, is the cornerstone to the development of a wide-scope strategy. Once you have a picture of a great invention or effort that will be necessary to accomplish a big future goal, you can create a virtual "map" toward that goal, consisting of business plans, areas of innovation, chains of problems, that are all parts of a mega-plan to accomplish that goal.
Some adventure computer games have a comparable interactive story; in the beginning, you are instructed about a big goal that should be reached. You try your best to determine the next logical steps necessary for reaching that goal. By practically taking steps toward the big solution, smaller problems and quests may appear that you have to solve, then take the next step. Such games often confront their players with illogical, nearly unimaginable steps that have to be taken to solve the problem in a comical, funny way. Determined scientific thinking applied to factual goal-oriented problem-solving differs in this point. It is completely realistic, and the smaller steps that lead to success are always found through reality-oriented, cause-and-effect thinking.
Practice scientific egoism
By applying scientific egoism, every individual can unleash a process of boundless self-empowerment. What is scientific egoism? It is a consequent, disciplined, self-oriented attitude. It is a moral orientation, and clearly differs from "ego-mania" and "hedonistic" perspectives. Unlike many other lifestyles that are generally mis-labeled as egoism, it contains no self-defeating, self-destructive, or parasitic aspects. Rather, scientific egoism is a new term describing the cause-and-effect principle applied to all personal areas of one's life.
Integrate that principle not only into your productive work, but into all of your personal plans and actions. Scientific egoists manage their life much like free-market oriented CEOs manage their top-growth businesses. Always apply cost discipline, for both financial costs and time.
Things that improve any area of your life are desirable and positive. However, learn to evaluate such positives, through: The intensity of positive effects The probability with which positive effects will happen The financial costs The time costs
Things that lead to nothing or waste time without yielding long-term results are harmful. Especially, avoid spending money for such things. Expenses that lead to an objective improvement of any area of your life are positive, but all other expenses are negative and must be eliminated.
There is no such thing as an "in-between" category. Trivial examples could be buying drugs, unhealthy food or more food than necessary for a balanced diet, or spending money on time-wasting, distracting news media products.
Inspiration leads to value-based goals
To leverage scientific ideas for your strategies, plans and actions, besides exerting problem-solving efforts, you also need to be inspired. Requirements for Inspiration are free, limitless thinking, and the necessary motivation. Considering the following facts can help you to emotionally grasp the potential of science in order to achieve that motivation and to be inspired.
Today, the progress in life-saving biotechnology is a reality, and in the beginning of a possible exponential growth phase, despite the constant political/religious attacks in its most important areas, despite the beginning of a regulation-induced economic downturn, and despite its persecution by authority-obedient citizens ignorant to the values of business and science.
However, even the newest biotechnologies are relatively simple, when compared to the potential of science in the next hundred years. DNA molecules were identified only 50 years ago, and the discovery of polymerase chain reaction, a key to modern genetics is roughly 10 years old. This foundation, PCR, is even a relatively simple process that can be understood by laymen. As part of a later project, might publish experimental material that lets individuals personally understand and apply basic techniques of genetics themselves, to support this form of amateur science, dubbed 'biohacking'.
The sciences of biotechnology, from genetics to microbiology, are examples of young disciplines of science that still need to mature and become sophisticated. How do fields of science become sophisticated? Through the application of the existing knowledge in as many constructive and practical ways possible. That way, no unnecessary standards are created, and no purposeless or dead-end directions in that field of science will be pursued. Rather, new problems will be identified and then solved through new discoveries or the creation of new subcategories of a scientific discipline. The dynamical nature of science makes it necessary to apply it to solve real-world problems in order to drive it forward.
For example, nothing could advance biotechnology sciences as fast as the broad public knowledge and acceptance of the fact that new innovations deliver a realistic prospect of ultimately curing every terminal disease and symptom, ultimately even controlling human evolution, instead of accepting the defaults of nature. In 1984, authors of the company I&O publishing were the first to openly identify the first science-based routes to human immortality, such as human cloning and whole body transplantations. Back then, 10 years were the estimated time for that goal to be accomplished. Within the last 17 years, that goal has nearly been reached, through inventions such as the theoretically working telomere reset therapy; its practical application being held back only by repression-fearing scientists and narrow-scope thinking biotech investors, and ultimately, because of the political/religious forces of a still existing anticivilization.
During the coming century, knowledge in most current fields of science will probably become obsolete, or at least attain a status like general simple knowledge, as today are steam engines, light bulbs, or electricity.
Seen relatively, from the perspective of a civilization that has progressed linearly for another 1000 years in the future, even all aspects of current high-tech, energy- and molecular technology combined would rarely be complex or sophisticated enough to even be considered as technologies.
Ideas: the smallest units of value
Ideas are the foundation and the smallest units, the atoms, of value. Values are created by bringing nonmystic ideas into reality, developing them to tangible values and using them or distributing them on the free market. The biggest entities of value are processes of mass-replicating developed values and spreading them to a maximum audience of customers, while the smallest, elemental units, ideas, are what all other processes in value-oriented business and science are based on.
Also, remember the cause-and-effect, scientifically provable, Di Silvestro equation: T1(I°+E°)=vT2(k), demonstrating that all ideas can be converted into things in conjunction with the control of intention and effort for bringing an idea into reality. The only prerequisite for developing scientific ideas and for realizing them is the free-choice consciousness inherent to every human being. In other words, through wide-scope thinking and dogma-free volition of his conscious mind, every conscious individual has the potential to ultimately create everything conceivable in existence.
Overcome the illusion of complexity
What is the purpose of It serves as a research point for developing and analyzing unique methods of publishing and distributing controversial information through cyberspace. Its maintainers try to understand the responses and reactions to their carefully and strategically crafted memetic ideas, then organizing and re-formulating new strategies for spreading those ideas widely through cyberculture to ultimately plan a digital, individualistic cyberspace revolution. The accumulated ideas continue to increase in value as new programs and ideas are added into its matrix, which will, continue to be available for free as a research project.
Thomas Anderson, chief editor of, is a self-educated programmer. He maintains everything related to within a regular mini-schedule of 15 minutes, handling due promotion and article distribution jobs, site updates, user updates and mail correspondence with partners for that site. Through the application of scientific thought and action patterns, he was able to discard the illusions of complexity, becoming also a sought-after IT worker. Programming and expert knowledge in IT technology is a classical example of a "complex" issue. Because of being confronted with a whole new area, making necessary different mode of learning (but not a harder one), people create for themselves the illusion of complexity, especially of the simple concepts such as commands and basics of programming languages. Self-educated programmers usually learn by reading a book or two on a language, looking at existing program sources, and then simply starting to try to create own programs, testing out how functions work and correcting them when they don't, and then, building up their knowledge through simple trial-and-error practicing. The longer a professional works in his profession, the less he experiences his work as complex, although it actually becomes more and more sophisticated over time. The reason is his growing certainty through being accustomed to his work. Subjective fear of unknown tasks and of failure prevent real confrontation with any new area. Missing confrontation and actively digging into an area usually prevent real learning and creates illusions of incomprehensible problems and complexity. In reality, every business project, every scientific discipline, every conceivable system can always be brought down to its parts and be understood.
Finally, try to extend these insights that complexity is generated through subjective perspectives and reactive behavior, to all related problems. Everyday habits, learning processes, the realization of ideas, deciding on business strategies, effective communication -- all areas of human life can be improved through leaving automatic and subjective thought patterns behind, by identifying them and then rejecting them by actively confronting and questioning each problem.
V. Integrate science with business
Business and science are both methods for solving real problems where they do exist, through own independent judgment and action.
Science is primarily "horizontal" problem solving, pushing forward into new areas, and developing new ideas, methods, and technologies for dealing with new problems, and solving detail questions on the road to problem solution, while business is primarily "vertical" problem solving, establishing processes necessary to fully develop, improve and then replicate/distribute existing values with maximum efficiency.
Businesses, especially startups, that explicitly exist to realize and distribute scientific projects (through research and development, and later, also through production and marketing), create the most values and wealth in the long term. However, any free-market business goals can be oriented around science, that is, around finding new, unique approaches and solutions, then producing and distributing them in form of maximum-value products and services.
To be able to direct the goals and strategies of a business toward scientific projects, or strategies, you probably first have to be self-employed, or get into a leading management position. While the ideas and initiative necessary for that have to come from your own effort, the basic techniques for starting your own business or easily getting into management can be learned from reading, for example, Global Wealth Power, which is available on the internet for free. These principled approaches that break with many non-constructive habits and emotion-based mistakes in business can greatly help small, internet-based companies, but may help even more when applied in a big enterprise with a "complex" and diverse business structure even more dependent on efficiency.
Realizing wide-scope business ideas
Ideas for long-term goals of a business can be categorized according to at least four factors: 1) risks, and the amount of possible resistance against a goal 2) experience, competence and initiative necessary to be able to realize a goal 3) resources, such as in financial expenses, and the necessary manpower 4) importance, in terms of wide-scope values delivered through that goal, and also, in turn, possible profits that can be gained from an idea.
Important to consider is, that not only direct scientific developments, but also, for example, the creation of new economical structures, can be innovation. Consider productive people and discoverers, that established trading routes in Asia centuries ago. Solving such totally new scenarios required them to apply pure cause-and-effect thinking. Remember Thomas A. Edison, who had to market his own discovery of electricity and the light bulb throughout America. He succeeded because he created his own infrastructure for a new technology through practical business actions.
The following business ideas are a few examples that can get you started thinking. They are evaluated through the four criteria described above, points range from 1 to 5. Smaller goals can be evaluated in similar ways. The important point about how to find such ideas is to concentrate on your personal skills, position, area of the business you're in, and then, to find wide-scope goals in that area, for much needed developments, products, services, or infrastructures, which have never been realized before.
Essence: Publishing of facts
Description: Publicizing undeniable facts with scientific backgrounds, such as ignored health and nutrition facts, economic facts, facts about different political systems, etc.
Type of business: Publisher, statistics agency, literary agency
Risk: 1, Experience: 1, Resources: 2, Importance: 2
Essence: Conventional business ideas
Description: Taking conventional business ideas to the next level, outcompeting other businesses through new production methods and lower prices
Type of business: Food, clothing, trading, construction, real estate, etc.
Risk: 2, Experience: 4, Resources: 2, Importance: 2
Essence: Decentralizing near-government business
Description: Offer cyberspace versions of established institutional services
Type of business: Banking, cybercash, administration, education
Risk: 3, Experience: 4, Resources: 2, Importance: 3
Essence: Business to Business
Description: Help entrepreneurs find relations, suppliers, affiliates, investors
Type of business: Organization or small company
Risk: 1, Experience: 3:, Resources: 2, Importance: 3
Essence: Passive defense against government control
Description: Asset protection, legal defense, offshore holdings
Type of business: Law firm, financial services company
Risk: 4, Experience: 2, Resources: 3, Importance: 3
Essence: Active defense against government control
Description: Legal confrontation services (e.g. for legally rejecting tax liabilities, challenging court systems, legally rejecting regulations that have impacts on a client's business)
Type of business: Law firm, financial services company
Risk: 5, Experience: 3, Resources: 3, Importance: 4
Essence: Infrastructure creation
Description: Building new economic infrastructures which didn't exist before in a comparable form (e.g. communications), and establishing new supply chains
Type of business: International trade, logistics, resource suppliers
Risk: 2, Experience: 4, Resources: 4, Importance: 4
Essence: Infrastructure creation / Infrastructure subversion
Description: As above, building new infrastructures, but with goals of evading government-established "infrastructures" and its regulatory systems, and/or pushing into untouched economies of totalitarian countries or regions, and/or challenging an unchallenged economical status-quo
Type of business: International trade, logistics, resource suppliers
Risk: 5, Experience: 4, Resources: 3, Importance: 5
Essence: Education
Description: Challenge established educational/academical systems through a corporation for competitive affordable private education centers
Type of business: Private school, business school, online school/university
Risk: 3, Experience: 4, Resources: 5, Importance: 5
Essence: Research and development
Description: Pursue politically incorrect/persecuted research in your area
Type of business: Biotechnology, Energy, Vehicles, etc.
Risk: 4, Experience: 4, Resources: 5, Importance: 5
Any entrepreneur can start off right now by determining a business along these lines. The only things necessary is effort and realism about one's goals, i.e., determining what risk, experience-, and resource-requirements are appropriate for one according to one's current position, and finding compatible ideas. As a last bit of advice, you can use the following points to keep checking if you're on the right track, and as general guidelines:
Confrontation is essential, confrontation with competition, political measures against you, media slander, etc. as well as confrontation with fast-changing opportunities, your project status, and open points in your concept. Take the initiative and keep it; don't passively let things happen. In the most business scenarios, keep a low profile and avoid growing through media fame and publicity; instead, grow through real effort. Gain publicity rather among business communities, partners, and affiliates. Keep making slow, steady profits by sticking to your long-term orientations. Current economies may support making immediate high profits without actually producing equivalent values (e.g. through political affiliation, business mergers/sales, stock manipulation tricks); avoid making such misleading profits. Generally, don't profit by taking advantage of establishment opportunities, including government funds, and involvement with scientific/academic communities (if such involvement partially or fully compromises your goals). If possible, profit by exploiting or outcompeting political/religious/ academical systems, which enables you to bypass more competitive markets while building competition in really important areas. Create unique long-term values or establish systems that facilitate the creation and exchange of high-demand unique long-term values.
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