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Subject: Mare ingresses.........

Desert Heat
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Date Posted: 12:40:35 07/15/01 Sun

The mare ingresses...SHe looks around wondering where she was. Her coat glimmered in the afternoon sun. She reared and pawed the air, lonely, wanting company. She had lost her only company many years ago. Ever since being lonely. She galloped forward. She had decided to make this her home for good.

Name:Desert Heat
Age:100(young for unicorns)
History:She had been a captive to humansfor many years ago. She was born in a stble. Her mother had died after givning birth to her. The humans trained her to be ridden, not to defiy them, and some trained cruelly. Then she had been bought by a princess. She was a light rider, kind, and gentle.SHe was the only person she trusted in all her life. Then when they had been at war, the princess was a warrior also. So she decked herself in the proper stuff. Inlcuding me. SO we went to the border to help. The Karsites and the Sun-Priests had burned down the entire fort. So the Princess had decided to run for help then fight. She was the swifest mount in entire kingdom. Even the Unicorns couldn;t beat her. SO turning around the Princess got help and more soldeirs. They attacked the Karsites and SUn-Priests. But the Princess ws caught. Seeing what she was the Karsites burned her alive. She was now alone. The Karsites didn't knwo her impotence. So they let her go. She had been abough 66 then. Ever since she had wondered around from land to land, grieving. ANd now this is present day.

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