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Subject: *Clover trots quickly over to her dad, not wanting to be forgotten.*

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Date Posted: 09:20:55 11/19/02 Tue
In reply to: Sunshower, Rainy and Raincloud 's message, "*Two mares and a filly walk slowly over.*" on 09:16:24 11/19/02 Tue

*She nudges him lovingly.* Hey Daddy, I think this is a really good idea! Count me in for sure. I think Jazz is coming back, *she adds happily, and then goes over to Sunny, Cloudy and Rainy.* Oh! *she squeaks softly, kneeling down to the filly's height.* You are a beautiful little girl! *she whispers, her eyes shining with happiness--seeing a new life blossoming always makes her happy. She nuzzles her girlfriend Rainy and says,* Good job, sweety, she's beautiful. When Mask sees her, he's gonna really regret ever leaving. *She grins at Sunny and then begins showing the filly how to bow.* You fold your right leg under like this . . . *she says, and illustrates.* Then you kind of sink down, shifting your weight back a bit to balance! *She taps the ground with her nose and then leaps up.* Now you try it!

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*Cloudy studies the older mare carefully and then slowly folds a leg under her.*Cloudy, Sunny and Rainy09:23:16 11/19/02 Tue

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