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Date Posted: 13:30:02 01/28/06 Sat

Miss Valentine 2006
February 4, 2006
Redbank Community Center. Lexington, SC
Pageant Day Information: EVERY CHILD IS A WINNER noone goes home with nothing!
Door entries will be accepted with a $5.00 late charge and only if you call by the friday before the pageant..
Registration:9:00 am until 10 am---Pageant will begin promptly at 10:30 am.
Photogenic pictures must be turned in at registration to be judged.
Entries due without late fees by January 30th
ALL entries recieved by January 30th will receive a bonus point to be added to their Highpoint scores for State!!
Refer 5 paid entries and your child enters free!! Sibling discounts as well, just ask!!
EVERYONE will go home with a great prize! No child goes away empty handed!! Drinks and snack provided to the contestants!
Age Divisions: (60 day grace period)
*With less then 2 in a age group we reserve the right to combine the age groups.*
Girls:0-11, 12-23, 2yrs, 3yrs, 4yrs, 5-6yrs, 7-9yrs, 10-12yrs, 13-15yrs and 16yrs-Up.
Boys: 0-11, 2-4, 5 and up
The only thing required to compete is a pretty face!
Beauty: Blue Jeans and a T-shirt. This can be a solid color Tshirt or it can be decorated for Valentines Day!
Photogenic: This should be a picture that shows your childs personality and beauty. Absolutely no retouched pictures allowed. As far as make up the age division rules will apply.
Makeup: Lipgloss only 0-6. Natural makeup 7 and up.
3 Supreme Queens: (1) 0-3yrs, (1) 4yrs-6yrs, (1) 7yrs-Up
Supreme Queens will recieve an AWESOME crown, and a GREAT prizes!! 1 Overall Boy will recieve an Awesome crown and prizes! * In order to qualify for the Supremes you must enter the supreme package.
(With less than 10 in a division the Supremes will become 0-4 and 5 and up)
Beauty Queens: One Queen in each group. Queen will receive a Beautiful crown and a nice gift. 3 runner ups will also recieve a crown and gift.. All other contestants will take home a gift!
Photogenic Winners: One winner in each group. Winners will receive a Great Prize

Prettiest Hair, Eyes, Smile, Most Beautiful and Most Adorable. One winner in each group will receive a nice prize.
**We WILL NOT double crown Supreme Queens and age group Queens.
However anyone, that enters, can win the door overalls.**
. 2006 Americas Natural Miss Valentine Pageant
February 4, 2006
Contestants Name:__________________________________________________
Age______________ DOB____________________


Phone#_____________________Email address:____________________________

Hair Color_______________ Eye Color_______________


Favorite Food________________Favorite Person______________________
Sponsored By_______________________________________________________

_________Beauty $40.00(required entry)
_________Photogenic $10.00
_________Extra pictures $5 OR ________$10 for unlimited
_________Best Eyes,Hair,Smile,Most Beautiful,Most Adorable, $5.00 each OR do all 5 for $20.00
___________Supreme package includes beauty, 1 picture in photogenic, eyes, hair, smile,most adorable, and most beautiful. $60.00!!!
_________Door Overalls: Most Beautiful, Most Adorable, Overall Photogenic $10 each or $25.00 for all 3
_________Total deposit paid
________total owed at door
I will not hold the pageant directors or anyone involved with the pageant responsible for any accident, injury, theft or loss at the pageant including traveling to and from the pageant. I will abide by the judges decision and know that it is just an opinion of the day. I understand there will be a $35 returned check fee. I understand that any unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated from any parent or visitor. I understand that unsportsmanlike conduct will result in disqualification with NO REFUND.
Signature ____________________________________ Date _______________________
Mail entries to and make checks payable to:
Lori Dalrymple OR Linda Bowers
609 Poplar Leaf Court
Lexington, SC 29073 Any Questions? Email at SCNaturalQueens@aol.com or call 803-957-5203.

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