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Subject: Easter Pageant $35 to enter fun for everyone boys and girls

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Date Posted: 08:50:42 03/21/06 Tue

Southern Sweethearts
Harnett County title

Easter pageant
April 22
Benson Civic Center
10:00am registration
10:30am Start Time

Required Entry fee just $35 and each contestant brings a $5 gift! Earlybird by March 24th enter everything including all optionals and overall for $50!!

Required is beauty Easter Best!! Get more wear out of those easter dresses this year!Easter dress or outfit only

Each age division winner recieves full round crown, banner, trophey and gifts.

Optionals (all optionals required for majestic) $10 each
Personality 0-5 yrs and Model 6 and up

Optional winners recieve nice gift

Overall Photogenic is $5 to enter overall photogenic winner will recieve very nice picture frame and other gifts
Overall photogenic is not required for majestic titles

Majestics always crowned regardless of numbers!! If we have 25 contestants we will crown a grand overall majestic! Grand Overall will recive $50 cash!
0-5 yrs and 6 years and up majestics crowned
Majestic queens recieve beautifull round crown, banner, gifts and $25 cash on stage!

Sweetheart votes maybe sold for $1 per vote. The girl with the most votes will recive crown, trophey, gift , and plaque

Every contestant will recieve a fun easter basket!!!

Mother and contestant are free all spectators are $5 to enter and watch.

We are also looking to help the NC Food Bank the girl that brings in the most food to donate will recive the Spokes Model award! Please contact me in advance if you would like to be in the running for this award! Crown Sash and gift.

Send check or M/O to
Tim Jones
139 Old Cabin Ct.
Angier NC 27501
919-639-7050 or email missmarissaj@yahoo.com for more information!

Age Groups
0-11 months Baby Miss
1yrs to 24 months Baby Doll
2-3 years Tot Miss
4-5 years Doll Miss
6-7 years Tiny Miss
8-9 years Little Miss
10-12 years Jr. Miss
13-15 years Young Teen Miss
16-18 years Teen Miss
18 up unmarried Miss
18 up married or divorced Mrs.
0-1 years Baby Prince
2-3 years Wee Prince
4-6 years Little Prince
7-9 years Young Mr.

Pageant time should run around 1hour 30 mins or so tops!

Hair and eye color:
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Favorite Song:

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