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Subject: Personalized Santa Letters To Your Children!!

Charlotte Davis
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Date Posted: 06:22:53 10/25/06 Wed

Hello everyone.
I know that this a little early to be thinking about Christmas... but it is just right around the corner. I am wanting to let everyone know that since my husband has lost his job and we are now a 2 parent non working family, I will be doing PERSONALIZED Santa letters to your child this year to try to get Christmas for my child. These letters will be beautiful on Christmas stationary and they will have your child's name in the letter throughout. I also will include in the letter a few of the wish list items that they ask Santa for and Santa knows that they will receive. Example if your little girl ask for a new Bratz Diamondz doll, I will include the message.. Stay a sweet girl and be good because I know how much you would like that Bratz Diamondz doll. Or if that little man of yours is wanting the new Superman video game.. The same applies. If you are interested in these letters just send me back your name, address, ages of the children, the children's names and what you want included in their letter. These letters will also come with a small gesture gift such as stickers, tattoos, or a small Christmas novelty item. I really do need your help. These letters take a lot of time and will be beautiful. You will be very happy and so will your child. Just think of their faces getting their own special letters from Santa delivered to them in their name. I know that also you will be helping a family out for the holidays. The letters will be $6.50, this does include the mailing of the letters, the letter itself with a return gift list request for Santa and the small gesture gift and postage.. You can pay by paypal to tylerleed6@msn.com, you can email me at this address if you have any requests or questions. If you paypal please put service in the payment instead of goods. This way the paypal fees will not be as high. or money orders by snail mail. If you are wanting to mail it me I will send you the address.

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