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WeiB kreuZ
You walk onto a tall, dead-grassed hill, overlooking a dreary, dark area ... as you stare down over the area, you notice no birds singing, no crickets chirping ... suddenly a low noise from behind and startles you ... turning, you see a large black wolf. Then you look into two blue eyes, dark and cold. A growl come from the wolf, as it snaps at you. Another wolf walks up behind him, also male, but not as large. His fur is black-blue and eyes blue-purple. His ears fold back as he howls to the sky. A small pack circles you.
Now you stand, cicle by woves. Do you fight or summit? Either way, death may come your way. You have entered the pack, WeiB kreuZ [said "v-i-ss k-r-oy-z"], a pack of night hunting wolves who ways lie in the dark.

Night Waters || Den

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