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Subject: LEARN ABOUT SEXUALLY STIMULATING HERBS - also herbal sex drugs and other fun things

Jerry Magaline
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Date Posted: 10:07:51 06/01/19 Sat
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Here under you find links to sites with interesting products and good

advices within health, sex, fitness, work, automotive, beauty, rc models and

hobby, electronics and housekeeping

Please see even further down for links to some interesting polls with many

testamonials about things doctors and authorities do to children, teens and

adults, often secretly from the public or even hided for the individuals with


If the links are not active, please copy them and use them in your browser's

address field.

Learn about herbs to make sexual potency, ecstasy and pleasure for men

and women and see smart sex products to enlarge and fortify erections,

female functions, pleasure and orgasms





Advices and products that can enlarge the penis and help straighten out a

twisted and bent penis, as by Peyronie's disease.


Smart masturbation techniques for all the sensual parts you have on and

inside yourself




Products for all kind of skin problems and products to help you rejuvenate

your skin and the whole of you



Effective slimming advices



Remote controle airplanes, helicopters, drones, UFOs, boats, cars, robots






Airsoft pistols, rifles, machine guns, tanks, sniper guns for affordable



Products for scientific and engineering hobby and education, for

observation and recording








Help against common health problems, including edema, hemorrhoids,

constipation, hypothyroidism, over-weight, urinary tract infection, PMS,

prostata issues, weak heart and circulation, arthritis, fibromyalgia, yeast

infection, cold and flu, asthma, allergies, hay fever, acne, rosacea, vitiligo,

eczema, depression, poor memory and concentration, brittle bones and




Affordable parts and comodities for your car or other vehicles



Nice juwelry and quality watches



Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood. You

can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you

know about.

If the links are not active, you can copy them and use them in the address

line of your browser where they will work.
Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the

kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body

areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones,

intrusive specimen collection and body function testings:



Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults:



Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia

on kids and adults:



Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar

events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments

or mafias



Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:



All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each

participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask


Knut Holt


Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative

treatments, fitness and sex



UN Agenda 21 - the Plan to Create a Green Paradize for the Top Elite and

Various Degree of Slavery for the Rest of Us.

The United Nation's plan both for the short and long term of the globe is

advertized in the propaganda as a plan for a healthy and eco-stable world

without powerty.

Many working for the plan might well have these objective as a goal, but for

the top international elite pushing this work, the real and total objectives

might be very different.

They point to good objectives that everybody can agree on, but the tools

they prescribe to reach the objectives are also tools suited to imprison and

enslave all of us, apart from the top elite.

One shpould also be aware that personal freedom and a long joyfull life in

real prosperity for each individual does not appear as a goal for the plan,

not even that kind of prosperity and joy that does not cost much and does

not harm the environment.

To us that can think, and dear to think, it looks like the Unites Nations is in

the process of creating a green paradise for the top elite, to be used by

them for all what it is worth, and various degrees of slavery and

dependency for all others of us.

But the elite cannot enslave all of us apart from themselves without having

loyal helpers. They therefore plan various levels of slavery in a totally

surveilled and controlled World, so that people placed in each level, apart

from the bottom one, will have some privileges that keep them loyal to the

level over them.

But most of us are planned to be workers living in conditions with a very

modest comfort, with very little ability to move around or fulfill any dream

in life, and with a strictly planned and limited lifespan, and strictly policed

by the level above.

But the objective of the elite is to keep themselves young for hundreds of

years, while living in an insane prosperity, and havingthe ultimate key to

policing everybody in the levels under them, using any advanced technology

suited for the purpose.

Many of those participating in this scheme hope they will be one of the top

elite, or at least find themselves in the top level of servants for the elite,

with nearly the same degree of privileges, but most will be disappointed and

find out that they have only been exploited as useful idiots.

Knut Holt

More useful information about, health, fitness, pleasure and sexuality here


Conformistic Medical Adjustments of Children and Teens

Those ruling the modern society demand steadily more that the ordinary

people they rule conform to strict standards regarding body functions,

feelings, sexuality, behavior and attitudes, both regarding quality, quantity,

timelyness and economy.

Since the early 1950es large research projects have been going on to find

medical methods to conform children and teens to these standards, and

thereby also producing adults that conform.

This research has resulted in development of examination and treatmet

programs for kids, and many societies around the World have adupted

these programs, and steadily more do.


Learn About Your Erotic zones

By Knut Holt


Here you find a survey of the erotic areas you have in you, and how to use

them to gain physical pleasure and wonderful mental ecstasy.

The genitals are obvious erogenic zones everybody knows about, but you

also have a lot of other spots on you and inside you that can give

tremendous pleasure when used in a clever way to please yourself or your

partner. Furthermore, male and females have erotic zones at the same

places, even though they look differently. There is no privilege a female has

over a male and also the other way round regarding erotic zones.


One of these zones is your navel. Some people have a very deep navel,

while others have it more shallow. At the bottom of the navel there is a

button that can be felt by inserting a finger into it, and if the navel i shallow,

it can clearly be seen. You can get erotic feelings of a very funny kind in

your navel and your belly area by playing with a finger inside the navel. You

can press a finger tip against this button, rotate a finger tip around deep

inside the navel so that this button is moved, or massage against the wall

inside the navel.

The sexual feeling you then get in the navel itself, will spread around to

greater parts of your belly, and also down towards the genitals where you

will get a joyful tickling.


The breast nipples and the area around are well-known erogenous zones in

women, but many men and women do not know that these are as sensual in

men as in females. Upon stimulation the nipples of both sexes tighten and

get erect due to a muscular reaction, and the zones around also tighten.

Tickling the nipples or gently pinching them with finger tips provoke this

reaction coupled with feeling of intense pleasant excitement in the nipples,

in the zones around and often in greater parts of you, and these feelings

persist for a long time after these caresses. Also gentle caresses over the

while tits give beautiful sensations.


The area between the genitals and the anus are extremely erotic in men,

since it contains an extension of the structures also found in the penis.

Women also have these structures, but in them they are inside the lower

part of the vulvar lips, since these lips extend far backwards towards the

anus. When a person is sexually exited this zone swell, and one can feel it

fills up between the legs.

You get good feelings by pressing your legs together at each side of the

swollen area. Other ways of stimulating the nice feelings is by massaging

with finger tips along the mid or at each sides of the zone, or gripping it two

fingers at each side if it, with a force great enough to make the fingers feel

the deeper tissue of the zone.


Both sexes can get immense pleasure by stimulating the inner sides of the

buttocks. You can do it simply by first gliding your fingers up and down

along your cleft. Then gradually insert your fingers further into the cleft and

caress along the inside of the buttock belonging to the same side as the

hand you use, going steadily more near to the anus. Do this also at the

other buttock with the other hand. Also pulling the buttocks to the side so

that the anal region get stretched can give a burst of good feelings.


The anus itself has very strong possibilities of sexual pleasure in both

sexes. Caresses in the anus also tend to give sensual reactions in all of the

lover region and to set the mind in a funny and deeply touching ecstasy.

The anus resides inside a deeper area between the buttocks.
The anal opening has the appearance of two tightly closed lips, Just in front

of the anus there is also a little grove, and often also behind the anus.

These formations are perhaps more distinct in boys and men than in


You get the greatest feelings from the anus by relaxing the whole of you

and playing with it very gently. Stroking very gently the rims of the anus

with a finger or letting the finger rotate around the rim will provoke strong

sensations. After that you can lubricate the finger, insert it slowly into the

opening and toggle it gently a little in and out.

Try also to insert a finger into the grove in front of the anus, and then you

can press it down in it with various force, or press and massage forward in

the grove. You will then touch an extremely erotic spot, and in men these

movements will also stimulate at the prostate.


By inserting a finger or a dildo deeper into the rectal cave, you can caress

the inner wall which by itself is sexually sensitive. By playing with the front

wall with various force, a man will stimulate the prostate, while a women

will tease sensual zones in her vagina. By deep insertion with a dildo, you

reach an extremely sensual area in the rectal wall just at the place where

the anus is connected to the lower colon. By gentle tickling and massaging

this area you tease up a profound ecstasy of physical kind in your lower

zones and of a simultaneous profound mental touch.


All of the colon is sensual for pleasure of an erotic kind. These sensations

play a daily role before, during and after bowel movements and make these

functions, while they are working normally, events of pleasure. The bowel

movements in a healthy person will feel like a sort of orgasm.

The sensual capabilities in the colon can also be utilized during sexual

activities. You can induce tremendous pleasure by gently inserting a soft

vibe up through the anus and rectum - and gently move the vibe back and

forth, while inserting it, after full insertion and during the retraction of it.

Apart from vibes, there are many specific sex toys to be used up in the

colon, for example tubes with balloons to be inflated, long dildos or

vibrators. When playing inside the colon, it must of course be empty and

one must be cautious so that one does not hurt the inside of the colon or

perforates it. By instilling enemas one can also activate these good feelings,

and an enema can be used to clean the colon before the other play.


The scrotal skin, the testicles and all the content of the scrotum are very

sensual, but the greatest sensations are best brought forth by gentle play

with a very well calculated physical force.

Hold your scrotum inside a closed hand and warm it up, relaxing all other

part of you. Then begin rolling or gliding your testicles between the fingers

by a very gently grip. Also massage up an down down at the mid of your

scrotum, pressing the fingers down towards your urethra underneath, first

very gently and then somewhat harder. You will feel sexual thrills that

spread wide inside your genital area and to both sides of your pelvic parts,

and this also helps to build up your mental ecstasy.


The prostate lays just in front of the anus and the urethra goes through it.

This gland produce much of the viscous fluid in the semen. You can

stimulate it from the outside by pressing somewhat firmly with your fingers

inward just in front of the anus. There is a deepening in this area, just like a

little vagina. Press your finger into this groove and a little forwards.

You can also stimulate the prostate by inserting your finger into the anus

and massage the prostate through the front wall of the anus. The massage

releases prostate fluid. Sensation the fluid coming through your urethra and

dripping out through you pee-hole, add to the physical excitement. Also the

prostate have its own sexual sensations, and prostate massage combined

with anal stimulation can induce a form of orgasm that has a much deeper

psychological and ecstatic impact than ordinary penile orgasm.



An areas in women with great potency for pleasure is the G-spot. The G-

spot is actually a wide area around her urethra with connection to the

clitoris in a woman. In order to get to it, your woman must lay comfortably

with somewhat spread legs. It is found inside her between her vagina and

urethra, and it can be reached by a finger or a dildo by pushing upwards

some way inside her vagina. To hit the right spot requires some seeking

with your finger or the dildo and trying different degree of pressure. You

sense from her reactions when you have found the right spot. When found

you partly massage and partly poke with your finger against the point.

A man can find his G-spot by inserting a finger deep into his anus and

caress with the tip forward above the prostate. He will get the same effect

as a woman.

Knut Holt is an internat based consultant, author and marketer. By visiting

his website you can find many more articles about natural disease cures,

fitnes maintainance, body development and sexuality. You can also find

presentation of smart products to solve common health issues, for body

development and for sexual potency and pleasure.





Learn about herbs to make sexual potency, ecstasy and pleasure for mwn

and women and see smart sex products to enlarge and fortify erections,

female functions, pleasure and orgasms





Advices and products that can enlarge the penis and help straighten out a

twisted and bent penis, as by Peyronie's disease.


Smart masturbation techniques for all the sensual parts you have on and

inside yourself




Products for all kind of skin problems and products to help you rejuvenate

your skin and the whole of you



Effective slimming advices



Remote controle airplanes, helicopters, drones, UFOs, boats, cars, robots






Airsoft pistols, rifles, machine guns, tanks, sniper guns for affordable



Products for scientific and engineering hobby and education, for

observation and recording








Help against common health problems, including edema, hemorrhoids,

constipation, hypothyroidism, over-weight, urinary tract infection, PMS,

prostata issues, weak heart and circulation, arthritis, fibromyalgia, yeast

infection, cold and flu, asthma, allergies, hay fever, acne, rosacea, vitiligo,

eczema, depression, poor memory and concentration, brittle bones and




Affordable parts and comodities for your car or other vehicles



Nice juwelry and quality watches



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Kjønnsorganene er opplagte seksuelt føksomme kroppsdeler alle vet om,

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