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Important! The Sickness has found it's way into JBTH. The Sickness is a type of plague, spread by mosquitoes. While not always fatale, the symptoms are feverish sweating, memory loss, and difficulty breathing. This is called a Plot Line. Brownie points if your character[s] actually RP off the Plot Line. You don't have to get sick, but you should find a way to avoid becoming sick. And if you've got a character you want to kill off, here's your chance. ;]

Necropolis; A new harem for 'evil' equines. Climb the grand hierarchy of demonic monsters while learning lessons in hatred and battle. Can you survive in the dog-eat-dog territory?

Warrior Training; It's back yet again! The Warriors are congregating, preparing to protect JBTH at all costs. Think you're strong enough? Go test your skills, or perhaps train to build them further. Decanto is currently seeking out the best of the best to create an Elite Warrior Band, so why not see if you're good enough? You've got nothing to loose, save perhaps your pride.

Herdless Mares; The territory for solitary mares is getting a facelift. Any mare who needs a home should go here. Stallions will then know that you're looking for a home. Herdless mares should go here, not into a random herd against the stallion's choice.

Weather; It's summer, so the heat is settling in, and hard this year! The deserts are scalding, and the horses living there must certainly be tough to handle the glaring sun during the extreme hours of the day. Beach herds are probably enjoying the cool surf this year. The forest is sweltering, resembling the rain forests in tropical areas of the world. The mountains are the perfect temperature, hidden within the clouds, yet still warmed nicely. Storms are rare, save dust storms in the desert. The mosquitoes are bad, however, leaving much room for disease to spread quickly.

If you'd like current news listed here, post your request on the OOC Board.

Just Beyond The Horizon

Subject Author Date
BUY AUTHENTIC DRIVER'S LICENSE IN ALL OF SCANDINIVIA korkortt (kopsvensk-korkortonline.com)05:03:37 02/17/22 Thu
WHATSAPP:+1(317)207–2198 HOW TO PASS or Crack OSCP EXAM FIRST Attempt SPECIALISTCERT08:34:32 01/28/22 Fri
Survey of SEXUALLY STIMULATING HERBS, herbal sex drugs, fidget spinners, airoft guns, fitness boostKnut Holt15:38:30 07/30/17 Sun
Disqus steadily more showing its purpose as a deep state global sebsorship cerviceKnuit Holt15:36:19 07/30/17 Sun
Xbox 360 Emulator V.3.2.6chriwynlwpyyjxekccacrd23:23:40 08/18/16 Thu
Power_learning_robert_feldman_strategies_for_success_in_college_pdf.pdf | Updateddayshgarn17:34:17 03/29/14 Sat
Putas Brasileiras Comdayshgarn17:33:14 03/29/14 Sat
Barbecues Made Easyambrquyn22:03:31 03/20/14 Thu
Auckland Easy Read Street Directoryambrquyn22:02:21 03/20/14 Thu
Aqw Acs Generatorwerolor22:31:25 03/17/14 Mon
DIDI KEMPOTwerolor22:29:54 03/17/14 Mon
Wood County Ohio matchmaking, Wood County Ohio local personalsElida03:30:36 02/17/05 Thu
Love Wolves? Well you'll love this game!>>>Player16:42:17 09/01/02 Sun
..as the night comes falling from the sky.. (Umberto Eco, Desert Storm, Night Sins)Velvet Goldmine, Moonage Daydream & Ziggy Stardust11:17:42 09/14/02 Sat
Please come into the chat, I am very boredTina14:36:26 06/26/02 Wed
ex nihilo response...a little lateHeather16:25:03 10/19/02 Sat
The return...Dark Avenger12:53:52 08/22/02 Thu
INSIDE FOR THE NEW JBTH.Cassie.07:51:30 09/23/02 Mon
//Deserted.....again\\Beyond Imagynatyon12:59:54 09/21/02 Sat
in case of fire break glasspoem to myself18:35:07 09/16/02 Mon
IM IN CHAT!!!Huntress15:26:15 09/15/02 Sun
*a forgotten soul wanders*Love13:57:33 09/11/02 Wed
:~: Can anybody tell me...how long ago was the past? :~::~: Crimson Rose :~:08:28:02 09/10/02 Tue
*gallop*Silent Death13:18:58 09/09/02 Mon
*tell me I'm not alone*Spring's Sweet Beauty17:06:30 09/06/02 Fri
Rushes to Dreams ...Angel Eyes// Loves Devotion17:04:26 09/03/02 Tue
Hey I'm back!!Kristina19:28:14 09/03/02 Tue
STRIKER!!!Dreams (for short)16:47:35 09/03/02 Tue
§*looks toward the others*§§*Egyptian Rose*§14:06:00 09/02/02 Mon
  • ~walks~ -- Angel Wings, 14:44:52 09/02/02 Mon
    • *smiles* -- §*Egyptian Rose*§, 18:06:46 09/02/02 Mon
QuittingKristina18:06:14 08/23/02 Fri
+shadows++Black Cross+11:29:42 09/02/02 Mon
x Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated. x.Night Sins.06:28:42 08/30/02 Fri
BackersDrazy17:49:52 08/27/02 Tue
-=-=-...Dark Intoxication...-=-=-Count Dracula14:08:53 08/20/02 Tue
I'm in the chat if anyone is even here..:)16:38:34 08/15/02 Thu
»··· the girl you love to hate ···« ‡ Possession ‡ 14:37:05 08/14/02 Wed
+vixen canters in once more+§+Egyptian Rose+§20:52:25 08/12/02 Mon
allure the azureazure15:19:34 08/12/02 Mon
*silver colored femme enters*§+Silver Rose+§20:17:57 07/18/02 Thu
... Hell Hath Froze Over ...... Adham Ghiyath ...09:47:56 07/23/02 Tue
If anyone knows where Viosions Reality is please tell me!!! or just answer to this msg lol...Quik Slick18:42:43 08/01/02 Thu
/entrada\Autumn Breeze16:11:55 07/31/02 Wed
(.Stag Enters.)Approaching Storm11:35:30 07/26/02 Fri
(.no one knows evil until they've met her.)Huntress09:26:57 07/26/02 Fri
*entrada*Without A Doubt17:52:45 07/25/02 Thu
Desert Fury::Melt Down::15:40:53 07/23/02 Tue
I'm in the chat if anyone is onKristina13:23:30 07/21/02 Sun
Precious nickers softly, weakly looking around for the nice stallion that had taken care of her earlier.Precious20:59:06 07/16/02 Tue
HELP ME PLEASESilent Death12:02:13 07/18/02 Thu
+He Has Come++Black Cross+18:56:24 07/16/02 Tue
SABLEScotty21:09:39 07/15/02 Mon
KristinaSamantha09:59:16 07/12/02 Fri
.dreaming.in.digital. . .v.1.o.prelude..samantha.11:50:45 07/14/02 Sun
Thee Vampress::Melt Down::19:19:22 07/07/02 Sun
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