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Subject: allure the azure

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Date Posted: 15:19:34 08/12/02 Mon

„moon child ingressia `pon rotted umbrage, flints tap dancing `pon the sodden lithosphere. ovular membranes bloat in the stench o` boars, ooids scrutinizin` all before `er. snaking tendrils whistle in the wind as appendages cease their forward motion, barbed plumage whipping musculared haunches, dual peaks lacing against charismatic visage. cynical expression lays `pon mug, larynx reverbrating soprano hiss, boa curling as crania tucks neatly, protecting all-to-important jugular. cranium dips finally, becoming bored with her surroundings, lapels parting as enamels crop the lush foliage surrounding her, glowing lanterns casting steely gaze `pon the topography„

„I feel the desolance of my arrival, the lonliness of my being..and i rather like it. the stench of the testosterone in the air is almost to much for me to take, so i dip my head, eating the revulting seaweed that covers the land with bold `xpression `pon my mug. i am a lunar goddess. what the hell am i doing here? oh well. the estrus fills the air now, like the heavy perfume adolescents where, trying to impress their jock boyfriends, trying to get them into their pants, then acting like they had no such intentions and the men should be ashamed of themselves. i stand by, a silent observer, and watch the ignorant boars go gavulting around the girls, their excitement growin` with each step. i dare just one of them to try and take me without a fight„

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