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Subject: *I feel so old...*

Quiet Dignity
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Date Posted: 21:17:35 08/25/02 Sun
In reply to: Dark Avenger 's message, "The return..." on 12:53:52 08/22/02 Thu

*My dearest companion - what a surprise it is to find myself here. Though even more so is to find you here as well.
Quiet frame wanders lazily through twilight, heavy limbs proving more of a burden these days than ever before. Gray hairs litter muzzle and foreface, shoulders, hips, and ankles. Long lashes rise and fall in an effortless manner, thick nostriles spread in habit. Though something about the old stud hadnt changed one bit... the gleam in his mysterious eyes. The mixture of fire and ice.. ah yes, we all remember that. Wordlessly the dragon creeps along the shaded meadow, along the edge of the lake, when a soft scent whisps over senses. Though disregarded as simply a memory and nothing more, pace never faulters in its steady saunter. Once more, though, the scent grasps attention of he and yanks once graceful nose into the air and optics to a lingering sillouette. Could it be...? Surely not...*

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~Out of the darkness..~Dark Avenger20:03:15 08/30/02 Fri

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