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Subject: *a forgotten soul wanders*

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Date Posted: 13:57:33 09/11/02 Wed

*she watches from afar the lands she called home for so long. Her young beauty had faded into a more motherly figure. Her ivory coat no longer shone with that silver gleam, now just a dull white. Her once magnificent deep blue orbs now lay lightened and grayed. She looked about, knowing that one of the many stallions she had loved had returned. She waited to see his figure, though she could not spot him at this time. Her voice echoed in her head, wondering where he was. She whispered into the cold air, letting the wind play her words like a melody* QD, my love, I have missed you so..please come to me if you find me...*with her words played, she turns and walks deep into the forests, resting her weary heart*

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