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Subject: ..as the night comes falling from the sky.. (Umberto Eco, Desert Storm, Night Sins)

Velvet Goldmine, Moonage Daydream & Ziggy Stardust
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Date Posted: 11:17:42 09/14/02 Sat

*Twotoned bronc nods slowly, listening to the enchanting vixen's words. Cranium tilts to one side, and a thoughtful sigh is emitted. Labrums part, and stud speaks softly* M'lady, would it please you to accompany me on a brief walk through the forest? *He shifts his weight slightly, awaiting her response*

*The youthful bay dodges a looming tree trunk and is enveloped by the verdant forest. Onyx nails churn the earth beneath her 'flying' frame, head lowered as she attempts to increase her speed still further. Petite musculature hurtles around various obstacles, a fine sheen of sweat appearing over mahogany pelt*

*Copper stag exhales audibly, letting his beloved lean against him. A soft, affectionate nudge is given to the lily's sleek neck and he shifts away, beginning the short venture to his domain. Hooves shuffle lazily over the emerald terra, and he looks back over one shoulder to ensure that she is following*

(OOC - Hurrah for Umberto Eco & Desert Storm's players! *Huggles the understanding people* Jillsa, Ziggy's territory is at Phoenix Cliffs *Is back for the weekend, woohoo*)

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Subject Author Date
// I Close My Eyes And Wonder Why...\\// Desert Storm \\13:52:05 09/14/02 Sat
-Somebody's Going To Be Lucky-Umberto Eco17:31:50 11/28/02 Thu

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