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Date Posted: 06:55:46 03/18/02 Mon
Author: Playing With Fire
Subject: -entrada-

^ ^One says fir burns, but with this one it caresses^ ^

+Fiery femmora lands 'pon the crisp floor of the island. Wings of a dark marron arch over her head before folding against her sleek flanks and fading into nothing. Nares flare wide flames licking at paper-thin nares flames dancing in her burning orbes. Blades slice down into the earth rocks below her fiery hooves melt and bubble. Sparks play through her blood red mane and over her whipping banner. Sculpted dial tucks against her chest flames rolling from her mouth and trailing over her chisled cheeks over her pricked auditives and over her sleek graceful form. The fiery femme steps forward the flames licking at her body causing a smile to curl her flaming lips. A tree she brushes yet a strange thing happens, nothing. Her flaming hide does not turn the wild timber to ashes. Femme controled ones power well. All she had in her mind the troubles that would be caused if she let loose her soul 'pon the island. It was not hard to keep ones self from setting the flame wild to rampage the islands mazes it took very little will power and no physical strain. Banner slaps against sleek flank sending a spark running down to her polished blades she snorts softly and pauses to watch the island work+

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