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Date Posted: 20:42:56 04/02/02 Tue
Author: Amythest Rapture Of Dawn
Subject: ^Dreams Can Come True If Only You Believe^

^She steps one amythest hoof 'pon the earth. Three of identical size and color fallowing. Appendages snake upward corded with sinewy muscles. Her large yet shapley raven form moves across the sandy beach. Large ebon wings fold at her ebony sides sprouting from her soft shoulders and fanning out over her silky form. Her curving arched thick neck obviously that of a practiced warrior with its high inviting arch. Sculpted raven muzzle tucked securly against her chest as if saving it from a unknown horror. Amythest orbes angular and set close together give her a cat-like appearance. Her horn of the deepest glowing amythest curving back over her delicate lobes making ones heart beat with the need to find the one that would be called "Soul Mate". Fangs jut past her lower jaw curving in enhancing her beauty and not taking from it. Her gorgeous flowing mane and tail of deep ebon mized with the softest amythest lick at her haunches and sloping shoulders in hungry prawlness. Half sister of one called Zayn hath arrived to find a home in the islands wildest depths and in hopes of finding the one that would be her "Soul Mate" that would look past the wall that she cast out at people of icy hatred to the warm passionate pearsonality inside. Heramythest eyes usually icy and daring inticing one closer seem bleek and lonley one that knew her would understand the cause was her fallen first born that died mercilessly under the hooves of her once mate the sire of the poor foal. Who had turned with anger on the foal that was born not of love but of the restricting rules that high ones put 'pon their offspring to keep ones lives clean and noble.
A ragged breath excapes her soft yearning mouth and she gazes out at the island from the cat-like mournfulamythest eyes^
^Name^Amythest Rapture Of Dawn^
^Nickname^Amy, Rapture, or Dawn
^Aged^Four Years^
^Past^To Be known only to those held near to her heart^

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