Date Posted:05:44:19 06/11/02 Tue Author: Tide of Obsession/Tide Of Love/ Tide Of Death Subject: (-(Passage Of Three)-)
(-(The sun lowers its great bulk to the horizon casting a redish glow over the rough terrain on a sloping hill set before the sunset stands a trio. Two of the male gender and one of the fair gender. Shadows cast by their bodies flicker over the sloping ground cutting off abruptly before them. Their manes and tails snap wildly about their sculpted heads and toned haunches. Who would dare approach these three?)-) (-(The sun flashes its angry broken rays down 'pon the oldest of the three his gleaming pelt enblazened by the sun is the hue of a botomless well a deep ebony none could surpass. His eyes of dark smokey gray flash with dominant defiiance muscles working under his thick pelt tells of his great strength. Trunk like limbs stand steady 'pon the earth pressing stones deep into birgin terrain. Nares flare giving the mascu a demon like appearance as strange scents assail his keen senses. Labrums part to emit a bugle of demanding tone carried by the wind)-) (-(To the other side stood a steed not quite as tall yet by far taller then the femme betwix them. His coat a flashing deep red like that of spilt blood. Pistons snap as he steps forward slightly orics of icy hue slide slowly over the land observing all its richness.Muscles flex along his lengthy appenadages and sleek flanks. Thick curtian of red falls over icy pools obscuring the cold glint in their pupiless gaze. Nares flare wide as did his brothers and sets forth a call of his own of cold malice a challenge to all who dare come near)-) (-(Porclian vixen stood serenly betwix brethern. Soft breath causing her chest to raise and fall in a steady rythm. Eyes of the palest violet stare on with empty emotions as she stood prisoner betwix her protective siblings. Auds flicker forward as orics gaze about hoping maybe her life would blossom here into joy. Subtle shift of appendages as sinewy muscle work with ease. Vixen snorts lightly breathing in the wonderful yet strange scents that blew up from the island. With a sigh she waited)-)