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Date Posted: 10:17:31 06/22/02 Sat
Author: </font><font color="#8B4C39">†Death's Last Romance†Rome†
Subject: </font><font color="#8B4C39">†Devil's Playmate†

†Glossy sheets of damo vegataion shuddered in the lifless breeze. The sun casting its glow over the dainty maze of ancient woods and feilds. Mauve, apricot, Aqua,and Coral cast gentle fingers over the loam creating pictures in the dense greenery. Above in the tapestry of the sky spread a thick curtian of inky sable pushing out the vibrant splashes of color radiating from the setting sun. Ashen mist settles about the boughs of the giant oaks wild creatures put forth their calls into the growing blackness. In the midst walks a creature, a creature of the night. Concave mug tucked close to chest cavity as if seeking protection from the thud of a frozen heart. Superbly sculpted crania bowed causing curvature to arch tightly. Tri of equisit shape in constant movment 'pon high curving crown. Delicate demoness fixes opaque pools of unknown hue 'pon virgin terrain. Let not her delicate appearance fool you. Slender shoulder blades roll back to a tapering back slender and arched. Sleek flanks gleam as if a fire billows 'pon gleaming pelt serpeantine muscles clench and coil 'neath taught pelt. Objects of speach part emanating trilling discord into the folds of the disquieting zephyr. Coal hued flints bite bitterly into weak turf releasing tempresses mark to ever imprint loam. Youthful pixie advances 'pon unknowing monstrosities, disdain written 'pon minx's mask. Whispy strands of russet hue whip across high planes of facial mask wreathing about sloping neckline fluttering like a banner behind bodice. Savage skull hoisted to the skeis ridding visage of bothersome tresses. Examination of life is given spheres cast about drinking in needed information. Hungry mind feeds at the sight of innocent grazers. She-demon sinks into the inky shadows luminous gaze locked ever before her giving no care to her surroundings. Malice and hatred burned in pools cast at the ground cold aloofness and rebellino radiated outward from heartless creature as did a greed for blood. Her heart held the wishes of revenge killing all who were companions of the wastelands. Any that had dared approach nymph had retreated with badly mangled forms or lay dead at her feet before her set path carried her on to the next victim. Shall you be the next to feed the hatred in her heart? Mental state turns to that of the male gender pondering their better qualities. Yes, she knew love, had loved once even. But her bitter heart had driven her to kill beloved. Now she considered masculine brutes as toys as a thing to burn away the bordem when no victim appeared. Rasping breath escapes ashen shelves anticapation of blood clear in burning spheres. Who would be the next?†

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