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Date Posted: 18:07:16 01/23/02 Wed
Author: Golden Nightsky
Subject: Stumbles in....

The beaten nearly full grown filly stumbles in. She looks around the joining area, a piece of her old home. She nickers, looking for any of her friends. She nickers loud and clear, calling for Raphael, Evening Star, Nightcrawler, or her recently departed brother....

Name: Golden Nightsky
NN: Fleet
Age: 2 1/2 years
Breed: Mixed from the wilds
Color: Its funny, really. Its a mix between blue roan and golden palamino..
Markings: star and one stocking on for left appendege
Gender: femora
Personality: Wouldn't you like to know?
Past: Had lived on the Island Of The Lost Horses for quite some time. She was born somewhere else though, and traveled back with her mother later. Her brother had come after that, and just her and her brother had lived there together with few other horses. Then it came...she barely found a place to hide just in time, and was seperated from her brother, the only relation she knows. Her mother had departed about a year earlier with much sorrow. Now she stands..waiting to see what will come of her and if her friends had survived.

She thinks of Roxanne and Roxy, who she knows had departed in safety, for they were mythicals and very good friends of her. But she is happy knowing they are safe. She stands, shaking in cold and fear, wondering what would become of her.

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