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Date Posted: 10:46:13 02/20/02 Wed
Author: Shalmista
Subject: -dancing-

-The dawning sun sifts down through the thick canopy of emerald leaves. Dappling the femme below casting an aura of peice and tranquility about she. Tri built of fine velvet hairs and thin curving flesh raised proudly 'pon maghony crown stretch forward listening to the loudness of the quiet. Delicate form built of fine bones and sinewy muscles dances over the packed earth as if her hooves bore wings at their sides. Appendages raising and falling in perfect rythm as if on march against a brutal enemy. Plumage of shimmering maghony flys in the air caught up in the magic of the silence and brushing her smooth gleaming flanks. Sculpted muzzle tucked next to velvet chest vibrates with her soft snort of peace. Edging upward her faces widens slightly two deep set eyes of liquid green sparkle with tranquil spirit. Long lashes partailly cover the forest green orbes skittering in the flowing breeze. Her neck curved high slim and smooth with its raging flaxen mane contrasting with the tranquil beauty of the rest of her maghony hilted form-

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