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Date Posted: 12:54:32 02/27/02 Wed
Author: Tempest
Subject: +..Regards Given..+
In reply to: Spawn 's message, "[Tendrils made of silk...]" on 17:21:09 02/24/02 Sun

[..Lithe vixen wallows in the shadows, regarding the approaching brute with a mixture of dubious curiosity and, for lack of a more descriptive word, fear. Something that manifested itself in the very soul of rugged fatale. Something so tangible as to remain untouched by prying minds. His beckoning was indeed something of a tantalizing quality.. something to be considered and likely pursued, but before it's outcome were to be determined, there was a moment reserved souly for panic. Twice in the past this thing had begun.. twice in the past it's tattered remains had been sent scurrying away upon a chance breeze. Twice in the past, final resolve had been made, and here again a renewal was to begin. Hesitant quadruplets begin forward with little command from ravaging mind. Cranium dipped into the glorious sheen of moonlight, followed shortly by compact form as female prepares for a new journey..+

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