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Date Posted: 13:19:12 10/25/04 Mon
Author: Paul J
Subject: Re: Open Letter to Commissioner Johns and the FWL-GM-Board
In reply to: mario 's message, "Re: Open Letter to Commissioner Johns and the FWL-GM-Board" on 09:32:06 10/25/04 Mon

Well we'll see what the options are.

Out of all the expansion sides Austria has been the most successful in the past and yes it would be a shame to get rid of the name.

I would have to check with people who know the software as i'm not sure if you can have two divisions of 5 teams in one conference then two of 4 teams in the other. You can only have set leagues, eg 18 team, then 28, then 32 etc.

If you cant have 5 and 5 in the EFC and the way the software is built you can only have 5 and 4 team divisions then that possibly stops the change.

However then other people who might have liked their old team (eg Paris, Ireland etc) then its not fair on them is it ? If one team doesnt change yet the others do.

Whatever happens it will be a while until a change might or might not be made.

Season 12 will be finished late this year, then Season 13 will start and the new Hamburg team wont even start playing until April 2005 so theres a lot of time in between.

I think perhaps it should go to a FWL vote by the owners which could be fair. I must admit in this instance i would prefer the Austria name to stay. Its one of those things where if the NFLE Hamburg team wins the next 3 World Bowls then its weird we dont have them in our league.

Perhaps to be fair then we'll keep the Austria team but as soon as Mario retires from the league (whenever that is) then the name is instantly changed.

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