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Date Posted: 16:06:22 11/08/04 Mon
Author: Mario (Proud winner of the "FWL-Classic" season#12)
Subject: Re: Final FWL division moves ?
In reply to: Paul J 's message, "Final FWL division moves ?" on 15:16:57 11/08/04 Mon

>Austria moves to the EFC West ??
yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes...... i never understood why an "all german(speaking) division was important and it took away the chance for to easy win vs. London from my franchise.... :=)

>stands on its own and I must admit i would rather keep
>GM's happy now rather than try and make it match NFLE.
Good effort. To say it LOUD: THE NFLE IS DEAD - LONG LIVE THE FWL!!!! I was a HUGE supporte of the NFLE but with all the wrong moves there i lost interest, but FWL is the child of WLAF/NFLE and it deserves to make the GMs happy. And if somebody wants to have "his Celts" back so be it.

> The London/Austria rivalry was one of the best, I
>know Andrew much prefers his team as Paris.
i liked the "real FWL-Paris" a lot and never felt in love with Cologne...

>I dont want to get silly and make for example
>Raleigh-Durham Skyhawks into the Glasgow Lions or
>that. But perhaps the history we helped create in our
>league we should keep ?
The fact that we have something what ALL OF US (and even the defunct GMs who still might be watching how FWL is doing) can call HISTORY is GREAT.

The FWL is here to stay (well, at any time in future Paul should consider switching to another softwareprogramm because FBPro96 probably won´t work on "modern PCs" anymore???) - so lets make it OUR league and not the league of some ridiculous NFLE-Management who took away the Dragons, Admirals and Claymores.....

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