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Date Posted: 20:03:55 11/17/03 Mon
Author: Niki
Subject: Re: Future NFLE changes
In reply to: Marco Lambert 's message, "Future NFLE changes" on 08:24:51 11/17/03 Mon

Where shall I start but a smart move to update everyone on the fasted way is to read the minutes of fan forum of the claymores last week: http://www.touchdownclaymores.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2504&start=0

>There are plans in the NFL that after Rhein return to
>Duesseldorf 2005 there will be one more team moving.
>This time to Schalke, because they have a contract
>that runs untill 2007. They would want to move
>either Berlin, Amsterdam or Scottland, depending
>on the situation there next season.
The contract between the NFLE and Schalke is till the 2004 season. Both parties have an option for another three years which means that if Schalke likes to make use of it a team has to move (Berlin, Claymores or Amsterdam) or via an expension. I doubt that Schalke will make use of the options. The fans that come now to Schalke will go back with Fire to Düsseldorf.

Each NFLE team has three goals for next season:
1) More people in the stadiums;
2) Cut the cost with 10%
3) (Financial)support from the local government

The Ads had a problem with point three for the 2004 budget but were save by the Amsterdam ArenA. I am afraid that if a team will be moved it will be the Claymores or the Ads. The Ads have the problem that they don't have support of the city Amsterdam and teh Claymores is costing the league an extra 300K (extra local cost and the total extra travel expenses).

We will see what will happen next year

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