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Date Posted: 11:05:46 01/07/04 Wed
Author: Andrew Battye
Subject: Re: Draft Protocol
In reply to: Ross Mather 's message, "Re: Draft Protocol" on 10:24:10 01/07/04 Wed

>OK, just one last question - do we submit the Draft
>Lists for all rounds in one go?
>BTW all info up till now is now summarised and I'll
>pass it on to Paul for publication for the next

As regular readers may know, I made a prototype roster management tool for the FWL (www.battyeweb.org.uk/roster.html). Unfortunately, I gave up on the project when my webspace provided disallowed the automatic downloading of files from other sites. This meant the script couldn't access the latest up-to-date rosters from Paul's site.

I'm considering making a draft tool, however. I could manually transfer the list of draftees from Paul's site to mine. As the list doesn't change, this would only to be done once.

The tool would allow GMs to put their lists together using their web browsers, and could also allocate the rookies to teams once everyone's list was in. This would save Paul a whole heap of work. Obviously, given my speed of working, this wouldn't be ready until next year's draft.

If anyone wants to make some suggestions for features to include in the tool, please let me have them. The tool would be written in PHP and Javascript.

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  • Re: Draft Protocol -- Paul J, 14:47:47 01/07/04 Wed
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