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Date Posted: 07:27:25 03/26/04 Fri
Author: David (Montreal)
Subject: Re: Montreal over Cologne - Of course we shook them up!
In reply to: Andrew (Cologne) 's message, "Re: Montreal over Cologne" on 09:55:47 03/22/04 Mon

Yes, I know they were injured... that is because My Defense injured your star Halfback... We Shook him up!!!! He did not run into a goal post, he was shaken up by the Machine D.

And then we went after your Jabari dude!!

>>Yes, we needed overtime to defeat Cologne... We fully
>>expected to be able to shut down their running game (I
>>actually told Paul this would happen), however hats
>>off to Corey Sauter who had an excellent game.
>My star HB, Robert Edwards, left at Halftime, and his
>replacement, Jabari Jackson, also got shaken up. I've
>never really managed to get a running game together in
>ten seasons! Sauter, however, seems to picking up, and
>when Jesse Dawson gets back, he should be better.
>>HB Lawrence Phillips had a terrible game again, and
>>left with an injury, trailing 17-10. BJ Askew did ok
>>in relief, enough to keep the Machine in the game.
>>As for our game winning Punt Return, all I can say is
>>Kai-Erick Lyck is a God-send... and is the ruler of
>>the Universe!!!!
>Hmmm.... We actually had a first-down on the machine
>19 in OT. If I was calling the plays, I'd kick the
>field goal there and then = game over. But, they kept
>running plays and took a sack, moving the FG attempt
>back, and it was missed (fire the kicker). The winning
>punt return came a few minutes later.

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