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Date Posted: 15:38:32 10/20/05 Thu
Author: Shoshanna
Author Host/IP: cpe-68-206-149-36.hot.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Why are Christians so judgemental?
In reply to: schwabra 's message, "Why are Christians so judgemental?" on 13:28:46 10/20/05 Thu

I've taken your response and disected it here:

You wrote: I mean, the "Questionaire" is a perfect example.
My response: The questionnaire is a perfect example of provocation. It has nothing at all to do with judging.

You wrote: They have no problem coming to my house to tell me I am going to hell because I don't buy into their ideas of God, but when I am amused by something turning it back in their face through their own issues, I am considered "bad."
My response: They have no problem coming to your house because of the Great Commission commanded of us. We are to go and "spread the Good News." Christians are merely obeying the Word that they believe is GOD's. It sounds to me that you aren't very tolerant of them.

You wrote: Grow up.
My response: "Grow up" sounds like a sophomoric response to me and I do not have to grace it with a response because I am already fully grown. But in case you didn't know that, you know it now. Knowledge is power.

You wrote: I am trying to say that we need to find as many ways to get along as we have found to hate each other.
My response: You should have taken your own medicine before you began to complain about Christians. I know this may sound judgmental to you, because it was intended that way. There is truth and there is non-truth. The truth is not only what you believe it to be but also black and white according to GOD's Word.

You can't give someone a traffic ticket, by law, for running a yellow light if they have used caution entering the intersection. You CAN, by law, give them a ticket if their running caused an accident because you did not exercise caution. Such is true in the determining the Word of GOD. If It says, "Go out and spread the "Good News," and you don't exercise that "law," you will be liable for any accidents that happen. I'm telling you this so you can understand the mind of a Christian and exercise some caution in your own responses.

You wrote: In my opinion to use God to hate of divide goes against everything about God.
My response: You are absolutely correct about this. So answer me, why do you do it?

You wrote: Simple test: Do your beliefs divide or unite?
My response: What do YOUR beliefs do? If you have no tolerance for a group of people who believe in the same GOD that you do, what does that say for you?

You wrote: And you cannot say "If everyone believed this....." the world would unite. It is not going to happen.
My response: Of course it won't happen! It's NEVER going to happen as long as you have people who are not united in their beliefs! This world is imperfect. Not everyone believes in the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Therefore, the world in it's current state will never come to Sod. We can only do that individually.

You wrote: So get real and answer the real question "Are you tolerant of people that disagree with you?"
My response: I know I am. Are you? I'm interested to know, truly.

You wrote: Saying that they are going to hell does not work either.
My response: I re-read that thread, schwabra. I never said that you are going to hell. It is not in my persona to say something like that. I still, however, stand with GOD and His Word, so any response from me is going to be according to His Word. I am not leaning on my own understanding, but on everything that comes from Him. I believe in GOD, and while we are not qualified to be omniscient judges, we are qualified to judge according to what He says is the truth.

Again, the truth to you may not be the same truth to me. If you don't believe in GOD, then I can judge that you are not living in accordance with His Word. We are told the consequences of such beliefs in the Bible. I believe those consequences will become reality, but until we have no more breath in our body, we can still change our minds and believe. If you feel as strongly as I do, you will probably hang onto your own belief. The discussion of "Who is GOD" is passionate on every spiritual level, for sure.

I can say that Christians should not be out to perform some kind of persuasive speeches about the Word of GOD. We are not commanded to do that. We are only commanded to "spread the Word," and state the facts as the Word explains it to us. The ultimate decision resides with the individual who hears.

Now for MY question: Did you hear (and did you listen?) or did you cut them off with intolerance?

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