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Date Posted: 19:52:04 10/20/05 Thu
Author: schwabra
Author Host/IP: nr19-66-117-225-149.fuse.net /
Subject: What is not possible with God?
In reply to: Shoshanna 's message, "Re: Not everything is messianic" on 19:00:37 10/20/05 Thu

Of course it is a short list.

I will grant you this, if God wanted Christianity to be true, it would be true.

I will also say that Christianity does not have to be true to brung forth good. The dichotomy of our existance is that we need no one thing to bring peace to the world, other than the desire to to it.

As a Jew, I do not claim that my beliefs are necessary for a part in some life to come. In fact Judaism teaches that Jew and non-Jew are needed to complete creation. This should not be a surprise because Judaism could not even be imagined until after Sinai.

I believe that the Ultimate truth is larger than one religion, or one way. If God is everything, there is no way to not do His will. HE has such a perfect plan, that we cannot even try to ingore Him, or go against it.

Sin then becomes the crimes we do unto ourselves. It is impossible to go against everything.

When we become aware of God's wishes, we still need to analyse them and debate them (with God Himself if necessary) if they seem wrong or too harsh. This way we cannot claim that God told us to do some atrocity. God may even test us by asking us to sacrifice our only son, but the fact that we should not sacrifice people is still in effect. Should we take Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac as a desire to even do wrong? What we need to see is that it was a test of faith. Abraham was told he would be the father of nations. How would this be accomplished if he killed Isaac? He had faith the God would intercede in some way to keep things according to God's promise.

Noah meekly accepted the death of all outside of the ark, without so much as an "Are you sure God?"

If we are conflicted, we should speak up. That is what I mean to say. Noah had doubts, that is why he got drunk afterwards, to forget his regrets. Abraham was not even relieved when the Angel stopped him. He knew God would provide an out.


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