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Date Posted: 11:22:06 11/09/05 Wed
Author: schwabra
Author Host/IP: nr19-66-117-225-149.fuse.net /
Subject: Gas prices

What is going on? Gas jumped 25 cents a gallon today! I know elections were held yesterday, but did something else happen to affect supplies?

I know oil companies made record profits this year, so why are they doing this?

This country is taking another step to eradicating the middle class with rising utility prices. And yes I include gasoline as a utility. If you don't drive to work, then you are allowed to argue this claim.

They are taking the ability of the middle class make more money by working harder away (the new overtime laws), and now they are trting to take what little we have been able to save. All this while they get richer.

This country needs to take our lives and way of life back from the amassed wealth of so few. Corporations get bigger, our checks get smaller. Where will it end? They cut our jobs and hire more management for less workers. It is not good business, it is just big business.

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