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Date Posted: 07:16:36 01/07/00 Fri
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Published corruption story on disappearance of K1.2million from FLY RIVER PROVINCE


> News
> Wednesday , December 15, 1999
K1.2 million 'missing' from VAT account
PROVINCIAL authorities in the Western Province capital, Daru, and the police fraud squad are investigating the disappearance of K1.2 million from the province's 1999 VAT Trust Account.
Highly placed sources in Daru said the missing K1.2 million was part of the total of K2.4 million for the province for this year.
The disappearance of the K1.2 million was discovered on November 15 this year.
The sources said of the total amount from VAT for the province, another amount of K37,116 was withdrawn on October 20, 1999, and deposited into an Operating Account No.CA6270140.
The provincial authorities were to receive three bank statements for VAT Trust Account.
However, only one statement had been received so far.
The other two are missing, the Daru sources said.
The Provincial Administration is furious over the disappearance of a large amount of money and the unbudgeted payments to a certain legal firm in Port Moresby.
The province has an outstanding bill totalling K10 million for goods and services this year.
The sources said the VAT trust account for the province was the responsibility of the provincial administrator who was the financial delegate.
Under the Public (Finances) Management Act No 6 funds are to be withdrawn from the VAT trust account without the provincial administrator's authority, they said.
The sources said financial records had also revealed that a total amount of K3 million was to be paid this year to that Port Moresby based legal firm.
So far more than K1 million had been paid into the account No.294-6-618581 belonging to the legal firm while final amount of K1,232,432.47 still remains to be paid out of the K3 million.
However, it is understood, the acting provincial administrator Wesley Malesa had frozen further payments to the legal firm.
He had done that before his removal from office about two weeks ago.
The public servants and the people in Daru are now asking if Mr Malesa is being removed from the province because he had blocked millions of kina from being squandered.
The people in Daru and other parts of the Western Province are demanding action to be taken immediately.
They demand an investigation and those responsible to be charged for the disappearance of the money and other cases of mishandling of funds.
"The Provincial Affairs Minister, Mr Andrew Kumbakor and the Prime Minister and Treasurer, Sir Mekere Morauta, must both act on this matter urgently," the sources said.
"The matter is very serious and cannot be ignored."

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