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Date Posted: 08:11:51 01/07/00 Fri
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Topaz on the politician's OVERSEAS HOUSES

Date Posted: 16:33:01 01/05/00 Wed
Author: Anonymous
Subject: TOPAZ

On the MP's houses / estates / in Australia bear in mind there are over 10,000 PNGeans at any one time in that country on official records so we have a large untapped information resource base if only more of our own PNGeans in the know would get on this board and provide the evidence
anonymously from Australia for a better PNG. As to the exact location of the houses / estates we should have photos and street details in the New Year. A number of PNGeans actually live in the vicinity of the corrupt
leaders houses / estates and some have gone back to PNG over the Christmas / New Year break so please be patient. We'll get there. The exact locations are Cairns, Brisbane, Goldcoast, Sydney at present. The locations may grow on these to include New Zealand, USA and UK.. Some of the M.P's have business interests like hotel / business shares in Australia and overseas for past favors like giving approvals , licenses , permits , contracts. When you have PNG expatriate lawyers / accountants involved in obtaining various approvals like licenses , permits, contracts, the actual bribe monies and promises of asset arrangements go offshore like a speeding bullet with all the professional anonymity available. What Tony Siaguru at T.I. said about these professionals being involved is absolutely true to
the extent. In addition neither PNG dailies from a independent source would print the same findings months ago. We are working on a special storey in incubation at present involving past and present expatriate
professionals in the trade where for example a foreign business registration approval at IPA / NIDA would cost you as a foreigner K100 - K250,000 on a big project payable offshore via the professionals in Pt Moresby. Historically Galewa Kawera the former NIDA(IPA now) Minister and ex PNG Fisheries Board Chairman and PNG sea cucumber king is on that Hit List. He's done financially very well over a long period as a once very corrupt former Minister using a white Australian lawyer. Money talks. It
is because of these professionals in the illicit trade of raping the country of its riches that the illicit monies reach overseas in huge amounts and assets change hands offshore , a primary reason why PNG has been borrowing back huge amounts in recent times thru international
agencies as our PNG coffers are all dry. Bougainville has been our country's other major failure when Chan was supposed to renegotiate with the landowners but didn't do it properly as they received less in royalties than major logging projects at the time. This evil creation started like a small cancer back in 1975 around Independence. It grows and grows to this day until it gets completely out of control. If you dont kill it quickly it will kill you just like the masses at home have been killed of their future
livelihoods of the sustainable wealth & prosperity, that we once all had at Independence. Today our people are reduced to minions. Even the size of tinned meats in small tins is relative to smaller individual earnings in real terms of purchase power of the kina which amply emonstrates the country's massive economic decline where families struggle to survive on smaller amounts of food. The only hope left now is to educate all our masses at home through fellow students who hold their country deeply in their hearts by telling the masses what went wrong and who were directly involved in it so we show no mercy to these corrupt leaders and their cohorts by purging them from all systems and decision making,by banning them to their village at grass root level existence without material goods
and any future official recognition . The more readers and doers of action taking copies off the Boards the bigger and quicker the result. The more students abroad that contribute to the board on the facts involving hidden
wealth, properties and assets held by our corrupt leaders overseas the quicker too for a positive result. GO FOR IT PNGeans as the true sons and daughters that care about our country's future !!!!!

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