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Subject: Controversial book details plot to destroy Barack Obama and America

Eric Dierker (Outraged)
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Date Posted: 04:39:48 03/20/13 Wed

Das Capital, The Communist Manifesto and Don Quixote are shadows compared to this. It is ruinous.

America and its greatest allies will suffer at the hand of this lunatic and President of a clandestine organization hell bent on wreaking havoc. This book is like an ugly car wreck that you just have to slow down to look at. Oh it starts out harmless enough with a lovely household setting and beautiful piano music --- but that is only to lure you in.

Britain is most distastefully slandered by this worse than wiki leaks scandal. Is not at least the Royal Family safe from this author villain? All cats are now suspect, much worse than the Red scare.

Be afraid-- be very afraid. Just drop the gun and run.

How he seeks to destroy the office of the President of the United States is no less than an act of war. This “Novella”, if you can call it that, goes so far as to defame the very pillar of propriety Henry Kissinger and mocks at the “fragrant first lady”

A small bit of truth makes for the grandest of lies. I will give the author this: he has done his homework and is clearly in the know. But that does not make dirty laundry clean!

Civic Duty is clear! Act now for your country!

Get this piece of trash and study it, and then call your representatives and write them that they have your total support during this horrible, horrible international crisis.

And for heaven’s sake, do not sign any petitions for the pardon of that cat, alien or not!

Read the complete reviews of this devastatingly irreverent novella and
sample the hilarious first chapters FREE on AMAZON.
United States.
United Kingdom (Amazon UK)
You can also buy it from many other online retailers. Priced at less than the cost of a packet of ten cigarettes.

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