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Subject: Wierd, but very funny book.

Christopher Antony Meade (Sincere)
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Date Posted: 01:23:06 09/12/13 Thu

A short extract from “The Zombie, the Cat, and Barack Obama”, (a book with cats, but not as most people know them).
“As often happens with hereditary traits, the feline shape-shifting characteristics skipped a generation. Ann herself was unaffected. It was only with the birth of her son Barack that they started to emerge. The first thing she noticed was that, when she stroked the child, he tended to purr. Later, Barack went to live with his grandmother and he had to be corrected several times because he used to hoard tins of cat food in his bed. When asked why he did it he said that he didn’t really know, but he just felt he ought to. Dogs would sometimes chase him for no apparent reason and he once had to be rescued from a tree that was surrounded by a mob of barking canines. He remained unaware of his feline heritage, however, as only the Cheshire Cat remembered what had happened in Wichita in 1941.
Things might have stayed like that but for two events. The first was the unfortunate encounter between the Cheshire Cat and J. Edgar Hoover, which resulted in the imprisonment of the cat in Area 51. The second one was the election of the one-quarter feline, Barack Obama, to the presidency of the United States”.
Kindle Prime members can download the entire book gratis.

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