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Christopher Antony Meade (Laughing a lot)
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Date Posted: 02:32:34 07/25/14 Fri

The evolution of a masterpiece, (or a complete turkey). Your judgement.

Every book evolves from an idea and my latest venture into publishing evolved from several ideas. In fact it actually grew out of a series of disconnected stories, published over several years on HubPages.
I have always been a conspiracy theory sceptic and have doubted the various claims, such as that the United States government bombed the World Trade Centre or that Prince Philip ordered the killing of Princess Diana. To me, all these allegations are just so much unsubstantiated rubbish. It's amusing to debate the issues, but totally silly to take them seriously. Consequently, when I started to regularly publish articles and stories, many of them were satirising some of the more ridiculous of the various conspiratorial assertions. Since there was a lot of interest in the character, the political acumen and the ancestry of Barack Obama, I included some stories that poked fun at the various theories surrounding the origins of that American president. A further collection of stories satirised the rumours that abound about Area 51 and the origins and continuing influence of the Illuminati.
My fascination with the macabre led me to write a series about a musically talented, but psychopathic, zombie.
At this stage all of these were separate stories, but I realised that they could be connected. To bring Barack Obama and the zombie together, needed but the addition of some connecting tales. That's where the Downing Street cat came in and the Buckingham Palace connection. Once I'd put them all together and edited them, so that were transformed into a coherent sequence, the book was almost ready to be published. It was still a little short however. Fortunately for me and my reading public, I had some more stories in reserve. These advanced alternative reasons for the global banking collapse and the menace of climate change, among other things.
I then had on my hands a very tidy little novella. By arrangement with an online publishing company, I succeeded in getting it launched as an e-book. It's been floating around Amazon and a host of other online retailers for some months now. I've been very fortunate to attract some excellent reviews, (some from other writers and a few from satisfied customers). Most of these can be read on the Facebook page “The Zombie, the Cat, and Barack Obama”. I've included a couple of less favourable ones as well. It's only fair to give the opposition a chance to air their views. In my opinion, their taste is abysmal. But what else can I say.
If you are tempted to read my book, (which both I and my bank manager hope you are), it is my sincere wish that you get as much pleasure from reading it as I did from writing it.

Available from Amazon.com


Also from all other Amazon sites.

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