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Subject: Just a few excerpts from the five star reviews garnered by my book

Christopher Antony Meade (Laughing a lot)
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Date Posted: 04:00:18 02/07/15 Sat

John Reinhard Dizon
The Zombie, The Cat and Barack Obama by Christopher Antony Meade is a rollicking piece of absurdist literature that showcases the zany wit of the author as well as lampoons the world of supermarket tabloids and conspiracy theories that have gone viral in our modern culture.
Kitty Ree Book Reviews
Now, perhaps the Illuminati and the Three Pigs might be upset about their secret being exposed, but I can’t help that, now can I?
The way that all of these characters are intertwined is a path even Alice of Wonderland fame would have fun treading. I hope Mr. Meade continues writing in this vein—he is a comic genius.
Bobbi Lerman
Part satire, part horror story, part conspiracy story, and part comedy, The Zombie, The cat and Barack Obama is absolutely a non-stop laugh riot! If writer Christopher Meade is looking for a second occupation, I would suggest stand-up comic! He would be stellar.
JD Tucker
Christopher Meade has written an amusing novel that skewers cultural mores, political events, and zombie lifestyles in a novel that's equal parts satirical and hysterical. What does a Zombie, a Cat, and Barack Obama have in common? Get this book and get a little fun in your life.
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