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Temple of Darkness
Here is where you worship your dragon gods. You must come here at least once, more if you want the god’s help and guidance. You may simply praise, or you may bring animal offerings (from your hunting) to keep the god’s happy with your side. If not, they will be angry at you and your side - you WILL be cursed.
The gods and goddesses do come down to the ground, occasionally. If so and they make themselves known to you, this is a great honor. The gods and goddesses all can shape-shift, so you can be walking with them, and you would never know. They pick mates that are mortal, so be good and you might become part god. The only way to know if a dragon is a god is if they wear an anklet of their specific jewel. Watch for them - they are always watching you…

Golden Battle
The Gold War-like Dragoness ~ Queen of Diamonds
Goddess of War and Psychics
Powers ~ pure psychic - fire breath
Mostly Seen as ~ any cat, especially a panther

Arctic Myth
Cold, White Dragon of Peace ~ King of Sapphires
God of Peace and Magic
Powers ~ some psychic - ice breath
Mostly Seen as ~ Timber wolf

Sunrise Heaven
The Sun Dragoness ~ Queen of Amethysts
Goddess of all Lights and of the Sun
Powers ~ lightning - fire breath
Mostly Seen as ~ Tiger

Devil’s Magic
Dragon of Darkness ~ King of Onyx
God of all Darks and of the Moon
Powers ~ lightning - acid breath
Mostly Seen as ~ black mane(d) lion

Rainbow Prism
Earth’s Everlasting Mist ~ Queen of Aquamarines
Goddess of the World, Sky, and Water
Powers ~ wind - water
Mostly Seen as ~ golden eagle

Soul of Hades
Death Dragon ~ King of Garnets
God of the Underworld, Death, and Weather
Powers ~ cloud of darkness - temp. death
Mostly Seen as ~ dark gryphon

Shadow Dusk
Lady Huntress ~ Queen of Opals
Goddess of the Hunt and Animals
Powers ~ psychic - acid breath
Mostly Seen as ~ Stag or Arctic Wolf

Wise Vapor
Owl Eyes ~ King of Emeralds
God of Wisdom, Family, Health, and Happiness
Powers ~ Mist - chlorine gas breath
Mostly Seen as ~ Great Horned Owl

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