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Subject: your daughter will be brought back to your teachings

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Date Posted: 17:42:46 09/14/01 Fri
In reply to: Kim 's message, "daughter" on 16:04:05 08/03/01 Fri

I speak only through trust and some experience but, formost GOD SAID so.

Remain the ruler of your house and allow nothing to come in that you would not bring in and be careful what you say because you may have to eat those words if those words are spoken from a powerstruggle or doubt.

Try to move on and let her see you moving on. Live your life as you would have her to live. However, remember that we are only human and make mistakes and the child will point out our mistakes because you did not raise a stupid child.

Allow Tiffany to see that you are not defying her because, you have already stabilized your existance and you are responsible for the things that go on or else things may crumble. Understand that getting older, expands peoples horizons and she is defying you out of the nature of trial and error.

Don't be a party to sensless arguing, walk away. For the ruler of the house only allows company there, that they are willing to love and cherish forever.

Move out of her way sometimes but not out of sight.

She has heard your teaching all of her life and she has also been made privy to others way of life and the boasting of how some think that they live. So, she sets out through experimentation.

One warning, she has to be treated as an adult if that is the way that she is living.

You may bond her out of jail (1) time for a DUI (or other misdemeanor offense) but after that the lesson should have been learned and from then on, she stands on her adult statue.

She will come around and back to your teachings...may be years later but you have done your job. Now, find something that will enrich your time while she is starting out.

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Re: daughterNo name08:44:16 12/04/10 Sat

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