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Subject: Do we have a Christian duty to vote?

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Date Posted: 07:30:08 11/05/02 Tue

Are Christians supposed to withdraw from the world or change the world? Christ told us to make disciples of all nations. One way we do this is to vote, and to elect candidates whose views reflect God's laws. We believers are not second-class citizens; we have a voice! Don't stay home on election day. Exercise your Christian duty to vote!

Many candidates for public office claim to serve the public but ignore unborn children who are killed daily by abortion. These candidates speak glowingly of human rights, but ignore the right to life. Be sure you know where candidates stand on abortion. After all, if a politician can't respect the life of a little baby, how is he supposed to respect yours?

Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, but to God what belongs to God. In this familiar Gospel passage, our Lord said the coin belongs to Caesar because it bears his image. What, then belongs to God? That which bears His image, namely, human life -- including Caesar himself! Let's vote for candidates who will uphold the laws of God.

Read what you need to know for the November 5 elections! Find helpful Christian materials to motivate others to vote! Visit www.gospeloflife.net and help others understand that believers have a voice in public policy.

Please help educate others about their political responsibility to vote pro-life by forwarding this message on to two or three of your friends or other mailing lists to which you belong. Thank you for helping to elect pro-life politicians. See you at the polls.

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